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Hi @etiviti – I stand corrected
The buttons do need a slight change for my bbcode plugin.
under lists it needs to be
echo "BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ul','UL','[ul]','[/ul]','u','','unordered list')); BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ol','OL','[ol]','[/ol]','o','','ordered list')); BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_li','LI','[li]','[/li]','l','','list item'));";
as my plugin handles lists with the correct bbcode codes.
Just might be worth putting this in a future update (a statement if bbcode short-codes enabled use that for lists, else use the original items)
Cheers! its looking good.
Hi @etiviti I’ve updated to the latest stable release (and tried the latest dev release) but there’s still no button support for bbshort code
I will mod 0.1.8 as I want to try the new stuff out.
Also the readme has vipers plugin still in it as well.
Good work though!
@etiviti – cheers for plugging the plugin
Any news on getting the buttons enabled with my plugin.
Also my plugin uses standard bbcode (the _CK_ buttons use [*] for list items, whilst mine use [li] ) – reason being is that [*] is not picked up by the wordpress API
If you need any help I’m sure I could get _CK_s buttons in for you.
Signing in with my correct account (banfi is my surname
I’ll release the plugin tomorrow when I’m at home and have the SVN access to upload to the wordpress site.
The only thing I’ve not added is ordered and unordered lists. so when enabling the buttons for the other you may want to take these out until at some point I can get that working?
it supports everything else though as well as the color tag.