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Forum Replies Created

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  • @bollocks187


    Just jumping in out of the blue.

    Why would you need “yet” another Plugin for Groups when you already have a groups feature in buddypress out of the box. Even if you can disable the “group forums” feature that kind defeats the purpose of having a group in the first place.

    Unless of course itthinx is not happy with the Buddpress Groups capabilities hence the “groups” plugin. Also why would the Buddypress team want to accommodate an interact with a feature they already have – especially a plug in that has a few thousand downloads. Just askin 1



    Second Problem

    How to turn off password required in registration page of BP/WP the reason is I have another plugin that admin grants access:New user Approval.

    Once approved this plugin sends out in an email a NEW password.

    User gets frustrated as they have already entered a password at registration they arethen “forced” to use another password once they have been approved for access.

    Net is how do I turn off password required at registration!



    I have consistently found the activation process to be a problem.

    There should be a “plugin” that allows Admin to work around the problem.
    In my case I have the following two problems cases:

    1) User Registration – the BP requires a password
    2) Email sent to user for activation – user forgets to respond or loses email.
    3) User tries to log on and gets they need to activate account
    4) User has lost the bloody email
    5) No clear method to resend another activation key
    6) users tries to register again and wants to keep the same user name
    7) gets rejected because the”username” is already in use



    Why wont the developers update the site ? I hate to be a spoiler to peoples self indulging development activities but there are many people using BuddyPress that could use a working support organization. After all is it not free and open community ?



    I think the “Fourms” code is buggy. I have an install with WP MU multisite and when I try and activate the Forums groups it says I don not have permissions. Works on my local machine but not on my hosted machine. it could be an access user permissions issue.

    If you look at this sites “forums” it too suffers from lack of functionality and the BBpress authors developers cannot fix it or refuse to. This is an indication of bugs in the code.



    Okay for those of you that encounter the error.

    1) Install WP multisite, Install BuddyPress and use enable site wide bp_default theme.

    2) Make sure you create a menu in the WP menu system.

    If you do not have a WordPress registered ‘menu’ then the system don’t work and you cause a PHP exception. This should be easy developer fix in the Buddypress code with a protective statement or catch all in bp_dtheme_content_nav.

    Thanks for your help.



    Anyone there ?



    All, can we start this again for my clarity. This is what I do to get started playing with Buddypress.

    1) Create under WP themes a folder e.g. bbexample

    2) Go to WP plugins find, buddypress folder, bp_themes folder and then select the bp_default folder

    3) Select and copy ALL the contents in the bp_default folder. The Codex talks about certain things but I copy everything, so I can play with the PHP files in some of the subfolders.

    4) Go back to bbexample theme folder under WP content (which is currently empty)

    5) Paste everything you copied in 3)

    6) Now you have a populated theme with lots of stuff in the folder. Yeah baby !

    7) First open the style.css in bbexample

    8) Replace ALL the contents with the following:

    Theme Name: bbexample
    Theme URI: http://blahblah
    Description: My theme for BuddyPress.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: PJ Bollocks
    Author URI:
    Template: bp-default
    Tags: buddypress, two-column, grey, dark

    * The following imported file is my personal copy of the bp_default style sheet and is located in my theme area
    @import url( _inc/css/default.css );

    * Any other additional CSS style information can be placed below:

    8) Save the style.css

    9) Open the functions.php file to load up your theme styles and essentially kick out the bp_default theme.

    10) Replace the contents inside the php delimeters with the following as stated by previous BB players:

    if ( !function_exists( ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ ) ) :
    function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {
    // Bump this when changes are made to bust cache
    $version = ‘20111102’;
    // Register main stylesheet
    wp_register_style( ‘bbexample’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), $version );
    // Enqueue main stylesheet
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘bbexample’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );

    11) Now you have a fully functional BuddyPress compatible theme (based on bb_default), but this is now yours to edit and play with as you see fit.

    12) Load the theme and check it out. It looks and performs identical to bp-default and it should since it is your copy.

    13) To Edit the CSS then you open the file under bbexample/_inc/default.css

    14) You can “Modify” the Theme layout, adding widgets etc, changing the page layouts and modifying some of the PHP display contents by finding the right file under bbexample folders.

    Warning: disclaimer: I am a hack and Luv it



    Your problem or BuddyPress ?



    I think this is a funny thread.



    If the feature does not work on the BuddyPress site how can we get it working in our own sites ?



    I just found something, for BuddyPress web site activity, If you go to and search for : bollocks187 I can then read my activity thread. I think there is a BUG on Activity threads in BuddyPress itself which has not been fixed. That is strange imo. Even for The BuddyPress website one would think that one of the programmers would write a PHP function which response to you clicks on “Activity” to do the Google search with your name so you do not have to do the search yourself.

    A solution would be



    I have just found your post and wanted to echo the same problem. When I hit the button my post I get nothing – zero.



    Aces is on he should be able to answer and solve the problem



    I have hijacked this thread. The reason is when I try and LOOK at my “activity” as a signed on member to THIS web site BuddyPress – I have nothing in the activity section.

    When I try and post in my area it keeps on coming back with “try again” – lol epic failure.

    So I do not think its just your theme.



    I’m here but I cannot post



    Thanks for the quick reply for everyone. I will go for importing in the header.php

    Why “embed” any of the styling in the PHP files. This does not appear to me to be a good programming methodology.



    Thanks for you post and self help it actually helped me fix the very same problem.



    Answer: WP Plugins: New Blog Defaults



    Once I visit the site and change to a BBPress Compatible them then the Twentyeleven theme disappears from available themes – in accordance with the Superadmin directive.

    I think this is logical bug since WP uses twentyeleven as its default ?



    Seriously – if the Buddy Press community would organize the forums and HOW to then a lot of these Q&A would be answered by folks reading.



    1) install Buddypress
    2) Select to use the BP default theme.

    Now you want to tweak and or create your css top of this ? do YOU
    1) EDIT THE bp default STYLES

    I think 2)

    So how do you do that and what are the basic files needed ?.

    The community needs to stop being so cryptic with answers – ITS only CSS

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