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This is a comprehensive how to guide to picking up girls.
PickUp Artist
Step1, find a suitable girl.

Step2, place your hands under her armpits and lift.

Congratulations, you have successfully picked up a girl!

Naw just kidding,

You wish it was that simple!

In reality though, it’s really not that difficult.

You just need to know the basics of being a Social Skydiver!

First things first, you gotta learn how to be sociable in any situation. That means you have the ability to talk your way in and out of any situation.

You can start honing this skill by talking to the very next stranger you come across. Just start with a simple hello. It might be awkward feeling at first, but we want you to dive into that feeling, really experience it and don’t try and run from it. After the first few interactions, you’ll get used to it, trust me. Things are only as awkward as you make them out to be; if you’re completely comfortable in an awkward situation, chances are the people around you will feel more comfortable too.

Think of it like a swimming pool, it’ll be cold and uncomfortable to jump into at first, but after a few seconds of cold, it suddenly becomes the best time of your life!

The more cold and unpleasant you make it before jumping in, the less likely the people around you are going to want to swim. But if you jump in with vigor, everyone will follow suit. Lead the way.

The next thing you want to do is seperate yourself from your ego. It’s the number 1 thing that kills confidence; the fear of damaging your ego.

Here’s what you should do, remove your ego, put it in a shoe box, and tuck it under your bed or somewhere safe. That way it’ll never get hurt. Now that you’ve got that out of the way, you may venture out into the world, and don an armored suit of confidence. Remember that a rejection doesn’t mean she’s rejecting you, it just means she’s not in the mood. You could be George Cloony and still get rejected.

Now go find a cute girl to talk to, and do just that. Talk to her. About literally anything, we’ve started conversations with as little as, you’re face is pretty. Or nice earrings. Of course you want to only say it if you mean it, otherwise it’ll come across as ingenuine and you?’lol probably get blown off.
Be honest. And if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
Ok great, now you’ve said hi, how the heck can you continue?

We’ll I use this trick, I literally say whatever is on the top of my mind. I mean that literally. If I run out of things to say I’ll say something like you’re so stunning I forgot what I was going to say. Or if her boobs are distracting me I’m sorry but your chest is very distracting. This does 2 things, it carries on the conversation, and it also allows me to get a gauge of her personality. If she get’s easily offended, I probably wouldn’t like her as a friend or anything more in the first place. Think of it as screening the girl before you go any further. If she meets my standards as a fun nice person, then I’ll carry on. If not, I’ll find a way to end the conversation and move on to a different girl.

Now let’s say she’s met your standards, how do you carry on? Well with the natural number swap of course! That’s when instead of asking can I have your number? You ease into it subtly and naturally like you’re really awesome, let’s swap contacts so we can grab a coffee some time.

This works again in 2 ways, first it’s smooth as fuck, and second, you can’t get rejected, because you never asked her for anything. You just suggested swapping numbers. You didn’t ask for hers. So it’s much easier to recover from if she says no.

Well there you have it, how to get a girl’s number!

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