Glad i could help @guigoz: all of the following support multiple arguments (this is right out of the bp-activity.php – line 577)
* ‘user_id’ => false, // user_id to filter on
* ‘object’ => false, // object to filter on e.g. groups, profile, status, friends
* ‘action’ => false, // action to filter on e.g. activity_update, profile_updated
* ‘primary_id’ => false, // object ID to filter on e.g. a group_id or forum_id or blog_id etc.
* ‘secondary_id’ => false, // secondary object ID to filter on e.g. a post_id
ok i got my hands dirty and went in.. went in deeep !
Found out that multiple args are in fact supported. I used the following query with the function @boone provided above to show only activity updates and new members
$query_string .= ‘&type=activity_update,new_member&action=activity_update,new_member’;
Now i dont know what exactly is “type” so i just duplicated whats on “action” to it as i couldn’t find any reference to it in the code or maybe i missed it?