Forum Replies Created
Sorry to read of it! but thanks for how well you’ve handled this.
I touched up a BP codex page today without a problem, partly to confirm I still could. @hnla et al., does this mean I’m on the Codex Team? If so then thank you, nice if anyone who had already contributed still can.
Aye, same here @lwaltzer and we have @boonebgorges to thank for the heavy lifting here … my workarounds have also failed, equivalently with Twitter et al. as for example at …Boone?
…and then yes, custom menu support will be there, as it is now in BP trunk, where BP components are now rendered as WP Pages — but accordingly, various plugins in the current state lead to “Page Not Found” i.e. this gap is not closed but will be.
@sushkov I’ll be testing it out, too and thanks for being so helpful over here in addition to your gsoc work. One thing I will look to do is to enable this feature set in some groups, but not others / noroc
@desininja you know the Post New Topic button you used to start this thread? Hit it again when you have a new topic yaar
alas, iCan’t (until boone issues bp wwf : )
@boonebgorges and his work may help with both
1. Under BuddyPress, Profile Field Setup, you can add a new field or field group, including text box type fields. As stated on that admin page, “Any fields in the first group will appear on the signup page.” An URL entered will be picked up as a link in the profile’s public view.
While setting up profile fields, have a look at Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress with which, among other features “Administrators can specify certain profile fields that link to social networking profiles.”
2. See BuddyPress External Group Blogs with which individual users might include RSS in group and site activity streams even without blogs being enabled. See BP External Activity for more admin options, or even FeedWordPress for user blogs.
@richs0914 @minnellium FYI their importer is also
+1 @dwenaus … group over forum topic in my case, while I could imagine the latter being useful.
Friend-side of Friend v. Follow, I recall an oldie-but-goodie relationship mapping concept by @jeffsayre :: “the relationships people have with one another on a social network extend beyond the nebulous catchall of ‘friend’ … “
@twodeuces the instructions have a typo: … if (function_exist( …should be … if (function_exists( … else (as you would know but for anyone searching for this … ) following instructions results in Fatal error: Call to undefined function function_exist() …
Thanks for sharing! BG
@Avatar .. Jeff, Rich @nuprn1 has posted his external-group-blogs solution in a couple threads. In bp-groups-externalblogs.php you can change lines 185 and 196 as Rich specifies:
In short: get_activity_id should hash the posturl instead of blogurl AND you need to remove its action piece.
— not ideal per a reference to blogurl to remove a feed, but working, 1.2.3/2.9.2 in production and higher versions in test. Rich also informed author Andy @apeatling and Andy has said he will get to it.
@jeffsayre @r-a-y et al. can this be closed and a couple of the less informative versions of this question, deleted? BG
I do not know how OpenSSO flies with BP. I looked and sorry, my memory and reference are slightly outdated; “OpenSSO” the project has become OpenAM and lives on, here as of last month, per Oracle swallowing Sun, then spitting out OpenSSO the project but keeping OpenSSO the name (classic).
I have had and have seen BP running with LDAP and with SSO between BP and MediaWiki. Here obviously we have BP and “external” bbPress with SSO even if it does still have the “Help I can’t post! the first time” issue. I have not personally used a plugin to this effect, but @boonebgorges or someone else may have wrapped up the like.
As for “BP Federation” I suggest it be more than BP – BP, rather BP – WP. WP sites with no interest in running their own BP could affiliate, conjugate, federate with an umbrella BP.
True, a system running BP after WP 3 will be able to host sites but each will necessarily be limited in some regards v. independent WP sites, just as one is now limited by being a blog site within a MU. With BP Federation, my thought is WP sites could have their cake — being independent — and eat it, too — affiliate with a parent BP — without needing to run BP themselves. Is that like having cake, eating it, too, AND sharing some with a friend? OK now I want cake. BG
“and share the users” … nig3d and Jeff, are you thinking along the lines of “BP – BP Connect” or “BP Federation” as in ?
@Avatar Jeff, I’ve seen OpenSSO integrated with WP but which dual sign on plugin did you mean?
When we can federate BP sites, anyone who hasn’t heard us coming, yet sees us in their rear view. There are that many WP sites. Data ownership and portability plus federation could tear down walls.
We’ve called the concept “BP Federation.” BG