10 years, 11 months ago
This is a solution I came up with, for me it works because it works more like Facebook.
In plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/activity/comment.php
I changed the href on line 37 to <?php bp_activity_comment_link(); ?>
<?php bp_activity_comment_link(); ?>
When a user clicks Reply on a comment, it replies the same way it would if you clicked the Comment button.
Buddypress 1.9
11 years, 4 months ago
Hmm didn’t seem to work for me, maybe i’m still calling jquery somewhere and not realizing it? thanks for posting Henry!
@henrywright-1 where did you use that? I think i’m having some of the same issues. Thanks for any help!!!
Buddypress Activity Stream Hastags – the outdated one..
The issue with HashBuddy is it doesn’t recognize hashtags in comments, that’s just as big to me as recognizing it in posts.
12 years ago
thank you @chouf1 and @ubernaut!
Is it possible to add as many whitelisted sites as you want?
How would I go about adding that site for example?
Thank you for responding, @ubernaut!