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my setup
centos / apche /mysql
php5 – do not forget php-xml
wp 2.7
bp v1 – with hacked plugin commader
kalturaCE – hosted on my server
kaltura all in one plugin – 2.2 – saw some have issues with 2.3
Kaltrua has upload and manage videos
upload from all major sources including youtube, etc..
pictures, music…
trying to get the webcam piece integrated, dont have this running.
Rest of features outlined on the kaltua site.
has like user edits, collaboration mixes etc.. a bunch of stuff.
very nice slick clean videos.
There was an issue with new blog / user signup that I solved (looks like activation site wide and 2.7.X wpmu has a problem)
I used the hacked version of plug in commander
and now the new users are presented with the all in one activation link once they log in to admin area.
I am thinking of utilizing kaltura for this.
They have a kaltura widget called KRecord, utilizing Red5.
Integrating this in the all-in-one wp plugin for kaltura and all, will be the task.
You may be able to get this functionality from kaltura if you use their system, i am planning to self host kalturaCE. It is not built in with CE
as far as I can see so far
Its the wpmu all-in-one plugin that I am using.
Direct from Kaltura.
It works.
But, I think it needs some work to integrate it seamlessly with BP.
In my integration I would like the BP users to have the plugin auto enabled with all information on my server, not going to kaltura for signup.
Today, as the plugin exists each user must signup with a kaltura account or use the default admin account- if using one account all users under that account may edit anybodies video.
I will see about doing all the reg stuff on my server automatically when the users signup.
Will keep you posted.
got it, was missing the php-xml …
I have the KalturaCE – self hosted on my server. slicehosted
Looks great and the plugin looks good for wpmu / buddypress so far, just no video showing.
Strange thing is that the videos etc. all show in the KMC – kaltura mgmt. console.
With the connect to kaltura hosted version requires each contributor to have a partner id – or they would , if using my id, be able to edit my vids as well.
I think that I with self hosted I can make kaltura setup with a unique id per user and not require users to get a kaltura id etc.
or I go red5.
I have some experience already with red5, all that would be needed is integration into wpmu / bp.
btw – kaltura is lowwwww on documentation , and since I am not paying support …… yet.
And the forums are new still.
anyone working with kalturaCE and all in one plugin for WP(mu)?
I have kalturaCE running ok,in the KMC I can do everything.
In WPMU I have issues.
Can’t upload and view in WPMU – BP1, yet the files are available in the KMC.
I did post in kaltura forums, waiting for response.
I think its a great idea. I have a boutique type domain that would appeal to users to have an email service associated with and have wished to offer the same for awhile.
I am one guy still and managing an email system without an administrator would be like opening a strip club with no bouncers, asking for trouble.
Or thats how I feel.
But if someone could offer it as SAS… plugin? But how to recoup costs?
I like the idea, just lack the cost of admission.
I think technologically it would be fairly straight forward.
woot woot! great work!
I had a problem with spam without reCaptcha
reCaptcha kills spam bots and I have no more spam.
Good luck