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  • @chavodbharat


    Here solution

    After activating multisite I installed and network activated BuddyPress. I also added this line to wp-config.php: define ( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG', 2 ); where 2 is ID of your

    That way BP is accessible from an entire network, but profiles are handled only from the network site.



    After activating multisite I installed and network activated BuddyPress. I also added this line to wp-config.php: define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 2 ); where 2 is ID of your

    That way BP is accessible from an entire network, but profiles are handled only from the network site.



    add_filter(‘bp_email_use_wp_mail’, ‘__return_true’);
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_content_type’, ‘mathetis_use_html_wp_mail’ );
    function mathetis_use_html_wp_mail() {
    return ‘text/html’;
    add_filter( ‘bp_email_get_content_plaintext’, ‘mathetis_get_bp_email_content_plaintext’, 10, 4 );
    function mathetis_get_bp_email_content_plaintext( $content = ”, $property = ‘content_plaintext’, $transform = ‘replace-tokens’, $bp_email ) {
    if ( ! did_action( ‘bp_send_email’ ) ) {
    return $content;
    return $bp_email->get_template( ‘add-content’ );



    You can add this code in functions.php file or bp-custom.php
    add_filter( ‘bp_attachments_current_user_can’, function( $can, $capability ) {
    if ( ‘edit_avatar’ !== $capability ) {
    return $can;
    // This will let all users upload an avatar (not just logged in members).
    $can = true;
    return $can;
    }, 10, 2 );



    Hi Lars

    you can use email token name while .



    Same issue , when i filter topics and Replies fitters results are not working , all time display same results . Any one help us how we can fix that issue?



    okay thank



    Hi destac

    I have already try but it not working as per our expection

    (1)Each sub site have separate activity ,Group, user register process ,everything required separate site with buddypress.

    I have gone through buddypress database table all database table common for all network not creating table as per site blog id.

    Could you help us how we can archive buddy press separate all things with separate sub domain site ?



    Thank you very much stegtflesk

    good job keep it up



    I have found solutions for html email text
    there is some changes in bp_core files :
    You can change content type given below path:
    \wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-core\bp-core-functions.php line number 2962

    put content_html text instead content_plaintext:
    content_plaintext should be send plain text email and content_html should be

    send html email:
    $email->get( ‘content_plaintext’, ‘replace-tokens’ )

    $email->get( ‘content_html’, ‘replace-tokens’ )

    I would like to give suggestions, if buddypress team should be given backend options like select content type (1)HTML email (2)Plain text
    because buddypress have not given any hook for changes content type text



    Hello Guys

    I have found solutions for html email text
    there is some changes in bp_core files :
    You can change content type given below path:
    \wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-core\bp-core-functions.php line number 2962

    put content_html text instead content_plaintext:
    content_plaintext should be send plain text email and content_html should be

    send html email:
    $email->get( ‘content_plaintext’, ‘replace-tokens’ )

    $email->get( ‘content_html’, ‘replace-tokens’ )

    I would like to give suggestions, if buddypress team should be given backend options like select content type (1)HTML email (2)Plain text
    because buddypress have not given any hook for changes content type text

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