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  • chimon posted a new activity comment 13 years, 4 months ago

    Yes. That’s how it worked for me. That part has gone missing from the second point (no surprise, I copy-pasted the php-code…).

    That’s what it should have said:

    – adding “if(function_exists(updateHeader)) updateHeader(); ” after the body tag in the header.php….

    Thanks for offering your help!

  • 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 starsThis is a very cool plugin!

    Although it didn’t show after the installation according to the instructions. I’m not using a buddypress child theme but the standard twentyten theme with some rearranged widget sidebars. This is how it finally worked:

    – adding the “define( ‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true ); ” at the END of wp-config.php

    – adding…[Read more]

    • I believe if you add updateHeader(); just under your <body tag in your header.php file it will work. If you need full instructions you can email me and I can send them to you.

      • Yes. That’s how it worked for me. That part has gone missing from the second point (no surprise, I copy-pasted the php-code…).

        That’s what it should have said:

        – adding “if(function_exists(updateHeader)) updateHeader(); ” after the body tag in the header.php….

        Thanks for offering your help!

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