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Forum Replies Created

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  • @chr313


    Just giving this a bump.



    just giving this a bump after the allotted time allowed.



    Thanks again @ChrisClayton that worked out well.



    Hi @ChrisClayton I liked this idea, but if a user chooses to use forgot your password it takes them back to wp-login anyway, seems there will be too many login forms for the site.

    Do you still know of a way to change that redirect for wp-admin?

    Thanks for all your help




    Thanks @ChrisClayton I actually like this better. Thanks for the help I’ll give it a try. I never really liked the wp-login page much anyway.



    Just giving this a bump/reminder.



    @DJPaul you have helped me in the past and I wanted to ping you to see if you maybe you could help me with this?

    Thanks for any help,




    Hi @mercime thanks for the reply. I tried disabling all plugins and I still get the problem with the topic_slug not being created correctly. I also tried putting it back to the default theme and still having the problem. Any other ideas?



    I would like to have this, but I want to also upload my own avatars in random order out of a list of say 10 different avatars. Similar to what wavatar does but I want my own images.



    @etivite thank you. I found your plugin page as well. Has a lot of things that I need. Thank you for all your help, have a great thanksgiving!



    @etivite one last question does your plugin allow to hide replys on the creation of groups and join of group notifications on the activity stream? I did notice the option under setting removed the replys to the forum posts and new forums posts which is perfect, but not the creation and joining notifications.

    Thank you,



    @etivite duh wow sorry i did not see that option. This will work, thanks again!



    @etivite thank you. I will try that out.



    @nahummadrid i see, our user base will not know that url so i think were safe there. I don’t see that setting under bp, I’m guessing only on the newer version?



    I forgot to post my test url



    @nahummadrid that did the trick. Thank you,



    Thanks for the replys, @nahummadrid i’ll try that and let you know if that works. How else can they create a group? I’ve done a lot of mods and made my version very simple and locked out a bunch of items and screens.

    @modemlooper I’m using an older version of bp 1.2.9 because I needed the universal search with highlighting that i wrote. I could not get unified searching to work with 1.5.1. Also I was told by the bp developers that site wide forum notifications do not post on activity as well on 1.5.1 which I need. If you know a way for unified search to work on 1.5.1 I’m all ears. thanks again :)



    @nahummadrid i see if can do something with it i will let you know. Can you send your url and a sample search? so i can see if i can fix the broken image problem?



    @nahummadrid Can I ask you if your using some sort of site wide search for your 1.5 install? I had to go back to 1.2.9 to get it working.

    Thank you,



    @johnjamesjacoby you answered my question, I was simply just saying site wide forum activity was not posting on the activity stream, that’s it in a nutshell. I thought site wide forum activity would post just like group forum activity. If it doesn’t than that’s ok, I just assumed it would function the same in that regard.

    Thank you,



    @nahummadrid ok good, yeah it was hard to paste code here, it left out some markup. Can you give me an example? Can you send your url and a sample search?



    @nahummadrid I wrote a way to highlight activity stream. I’m using the global unified search from @sbrajesh Also I am using wp 3.2.1 and bp 1.2.9. I went back to an older version because I needed the global search to work. The next thing I’m trying to do is see if the global search for the comments to updates as well, then highlight those results. Here is my test site here.

    In your functions file add these:

    function highlight($needle, $haystack){
    $ind = stripos($haystack, $needle);
    $len = strlen($needle);
    if($ind !== false){
    return substr($haystack, 0, $ind) . '' . substr($haystack, $ind, $len) . '' .
    highlight($needle, substr($haystack, $ind + $len));
    } else return $haystack;

    function bp_activity_content_body_return($activity_body) {
    $activity_body = highlight($activity_body, bp_get_activity_content_body());
    echo $activity_body;

    In your theme file under
    /themes/bp-addata/activity/entry.php replace the exising contents of div activity inner with this

    if (isset($_POST)){

    In your css file add
    #highlighter {
    background-color: #FFEE5A;

    Hope that works for you,



    @nahummadrid This is something that I would want as well. I’m going to try to develop this, I’ll post something if I get something working.




    Thank you @johnjamesjacoby @DJPaul for the replys, it’s a clean install with only the style.css customized in a child theme. 1.5.1 bp, 3.2.1 wp. No plugins installed besides bp and bbpress which I installed using the site wide forums selection within forums settings in buddypress. Forum updates or new forum posts do not show in activity stream at all.

    Mentions and favorites for the forum are not showing on a user profile or activity stream as well, other wise mentions and favorites work with update posts. So mentions and favorites function just not within forums. This makes me believe it has to do with bbpress. Otherwise buddypress is working as it should.

    What type of database update would I need to preform on bp if that’s the case? Any other solutions?

    Thank you for your help all,



    @DJPaul I also found out that when I favorite a forum post it will not show up in my favorites under my profile. I think definitely bbpress isn’t connected correctly. If you find anything I would appreciate it.

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