Forum Replies Created
I think I got it… in bp-blogs in line 417 inside the function bp_blogs_record_comments
They get the user id using the email of the author:“$user = get_user_by_email( $comment->comment_author_email );”
And when a user login using gigya, the email isnt record, so probably thats the problem. Any one know how to change this line to get the user id in another way?
Well I send an email to gigya support, they answer me that they would help, they asked this:
“Can you or anyone else from your team help debug the BuddyPress to figure out which user ID/User name is saved per action?
Is there a place we can see this in action?”Im looking through the code now, but anyone know where the specific action is?
Well when i use gigya with wordperss 2.9.2 and buddypress 1.2.3 there is a problem with the activity stream and the users login with gigya. In the activity streams it shows only that a user make all the comments, made by other users in entries. This only happens with the users that are connected through gigya. And i tried to desactivate all the plugins and the problem is in fact the gigya plugin.
@dandam It seems i coppied the wrong link, here it is the real one
And the link to the patch is this one
Posted the solution to my problem here
Finally I got it working
Well first add the lines from this patch to bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php
and then go to bp-core.php and in line 95 put the code like this (note the index.php)
$bp->root_domain = bp_core_get_root_domain() . '/index.php';
Well, also, I have a custom template, and in my navigation I have manually put the links in the header to look like this:
<li><a href="" title="Actividad">Actividad</a></li>
but it probably works also in the bp-default theme.So, hope this help someone
@qbuster Well when you install this small fix you can access links like wordpress/index.php/members (so thats something). But all the buddypress links remain being wordpress/members, etc.
So, I tried to change the slug as explained in here to see if it works change members to index.php/members, but it returns the 404 error.
So any ideas on how to change the links on buddypress to include the index.php ?
Well… it almost worked. The main links were working ok, but in the admin bar, the links were still the old ones like wordpress/members/, and also in the members page, the users urls to their profile were having the same problems.
Well, I will answer myself
some further searching in the forums and I find the solution for my problem.
I just use this patch
Well reading my configuration my server doesnt got the using_mod_rewrite_permalinks, maybe thats the problem? if it is how could i fix it ?