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Hi Mariusooms
Looks like your code contains a sql bug I pointed out to Erwin (that was fixed in the .59 trunk) a couple months ago… see the first (bottom) wire post on the a href=””>bp-events group here on Occurs when you select Events in the user menu.
Also, when you select Groups from the user menu both Groups and Events are set to their selected state.
Could you not just use a high traffic event and put some basic logic around it?
Perhaps a check to see if a given timestamp has passed? You could create a simple db table and add the timestamp as a “flag” updating it when the criteria is met and the action completed, thus re-setting the task schedule for the next time-stamped period.
Just pinging this back to the top to see if anyone else is having this problem and knows of a fix?
I’m having trouble identifying why in the skeleton theme the Blog, Group and Member directory pages include both the user and option bar navigation lists with their respective items “selected”… In the default member theme these menus don’t appear on the directory pages as one would expect with them not being actual member pages.
I’m sure I could write some logic around the userbar and optionbar calls but I figure there must be a cleaner approach being utilised in the default member theme… I just couldn’t find it.
Woot woot… and onward!
Well done Andy (and community!)… BuddyPress rocks!
I stand corrected (and should learn to type faster
@Timothy, I believe Erwin is currently battling with the recently updated group template directory structure changes and thus 0.54 does not work fully with the trunk version of BuddyPress. 0.55 will work with trunk build but there is no eta yet.
Erwin Gerrits is developing an event calendar plugin for BuddyPress that he says will include group events. As it is still in early development at present however, it does not yet contain the group events functionality.
Regarding YouTube video’s perhaps a variation on Nicola Greco’s BPDEV-YouTube plugin could be created for use with groups.
It does indeed look fantastic (and with the horizontal nav, very similar to the theme I have been working on! lol)… good to know I’m heading in a good direction (and to get a sense of just how good it can look!).
Keep up the great work Andy.
Facebook is probably the reason most of us here are developing BuddyPress sites
This all sounds fantastic (even though I myself have yet to really “Get” the whole twitter thing).
One thought though… would it be better for the eg-twitter plugin to remain a simple “helper” plugin, a means of storing the credentials against the extended profile, and write the additional BuddyPress twitter integration as a seperate bp plugin that utilises that helper. That way eg-twitter can become a standard twitter integration point for other BuddyPress plugins as I think Erwin originally envisaged it?
Hey Erwin… looks like the plugin is SO popular that demad has crashed your site
(Getting a cPanel installation success message). I’ll flick this to you in an email too.
Update: Scratch that… it’s back… that’ll teach me to be too eager (again!)
Not specifically… although I have tried using the loader.php to load styles via custom.css over base.css. No effect. I can’t see a reference to bp_styles() in the buddypress templates anywhere… any idea where should I be looking?
update: Scratch that… found it in member theme. But adding that to the home theme has no effect (and it doesn’t appear to be included in the default bp home theme anyway).
Also, using a custom theme seems to break the ajax calls for the BuddyPress widgets (groups, members etc.)… clicking the links in these widgets takes you to the respective directory pages rather than refreshing the widgets.
@Nicola, I’m using the latest SVN build (1228) and I get this same issue.
There’s no doubt this is related to the use of a custom theme but having copied all the neccesary files and functions from both the home and member themes I have yet to discover the missing piece of the puzzle.
Credit for the above code too burtadsit by the way
This should work (added to the bp-custom.php file in the mu-plugins folder):
function oci_login_redirect($redirect_to, $set_for, $user){
$redirect_to = bp_core_get_userurl($user->ID);
return $redirect_to;
WordPress detects the currently enabled theme’s root and css directories via the bloginfo(‘template_directory’) and bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’) functions.
To call the css and images from the home theme in a member theme template you would have to hard code the path references as “/wp-content/themes/buddypress-home/styles.css”.
Personally, as hard coding is generally a bad idea, I would suggest simply copying the elements you wish to use from the home theme directory to the member theme directory and reference them the usual way.
I don’t see why it would cause any problems unless another twitter plugin also created a bp-xprofile field in which case there would simply be an annoying duplicate field.
One possible way around such an issue might be to allow a site admin to simply nominate a new or existing bp-xprofile field, that way if another twitter plugin created a different field you could just nominate that one.
Of course, I could be vastly over simplifying things here.
“I am struggling as to where to put these things…”
Is it possible to add the users twitter name as a bp-xprofile field?
Not wishing to be a party pooper but my vote DEFINATLY goes for getting the feature-set for BuddyPress MU complete before even looking to release for Single Instance WP… and that includes the yet to be implemented BuddyPress Photo Album component.
Awesome news… I’ve been planning an events plugin, based on the event system on Ning which I think is pretty similar to Facebooks. I have only just gotton started on it though so I look forward to seeing what you’ve come up with.
Opps… appologies… looks like I was running *almost* the latest trunk build from svn.
I’ll get my coat
WordPress MU doesn’t quite have the famous “5 Minute Install” unfortunatly… it’s a wee bit more complicated than the basic WordPress.
Sorry, those .htaccess directives might start with php_value rather than php_flag