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  • @cybervang


    Well the way I simulate FB like comment system on my website is that I removed the default Like and Unlike from BP, replace it with WP ulike across the site in all the loops and comments using the php shortcode, edit the JS so it provides a CLASS so I could stick the proper icons to the LIKE & UNLIKE.
    You will need to edit the Activity likes Loop so it displays Total likes on the comments or replies.

    Worked pretty well for me but I admit it took a bit of php programming and css modifications to get this result.
    The next thing I am working on is to add an icon so I could display all the people who liked the comment or the reply.

    I went this direction because I couldn’t find a solution either:(



    I don’t see why you need so much coding for such a simple sorting.
    I’d just use a small conditional code to display and ignore a user in the members loops if he wasn’t in my state.

    Shouldn’t require much coding at all.



    I am using WP Membership.

    It lets me create many levels with OPTION to limit page access on “ANY” post and pages.
    It also allows me to CHOOSE my own register, logoff and Main landings pages.
    Be sure to remember to download the ADDONS to allow user convert to WP Memberships.

    There’s also many other membership plugins available. Just use the ADD new in plugins and search for “membership”.



    Could be many things.
    Is this a Shared Hosting, VPS, or dedicated? Show us your server stats so we know what’s not enough.

    With 2k+ users you might need more RAM and MAX connections increased or decreased in your PHP/WEBSERVER configs. Some webhosting services have some of the nastiest default settings around:(

    For example mine had a default of 64megs,4gb Storage, and 15 something max connections.
    Took me a few crashes to find out I was out of storage space and ram. I had to MODIFY it to 1 TB storage and 512mb RAM for my BP to run great.



    Use BPcustombackgrounds. You will need to find & edit the LINE code inside the plugin so it injects what you want based on users Profiles.

    Requires a bit of php, css and conditional programming.
    Very tiny bit:(




    I’m using WP Ulike and it seems pretty good.

    It lets you put LIKE on everything from posts to activities.
    There’s even a OTHER FOLKS that liked it avatar bottom.

    You can config it to like FB or customize the word. I went with VOTE up because I didn’t want it to be exactly like FB.

    You can edit the JS and css the LIKE to the same photo thumbs as FB too.

    There’s even a widget to show what’s the TOP liked.

    The only thing I didn’t like about it was it requires a bit of tweaking to get the css right because it’s not appearing properly on my theme but I’m fine with it.



    I was hoping someone could point me to the code that handles the conversion of an address you type in to LINK. I want to modify it so it displays the link instead of just the click-able address link.

    I am hoping the solution will not be editing WP core. Perhaps just a function.

    Basically I am trying to make a PHOTO button that will handle the imbed for activity comments.
    Using an html code to imbed seems primitive but it’s all that I can think of atm.



    Notice how < img src=”Link” > works in buddy press activities?

    I want to harness this ability but maybe put it in a BUTTON or automatically happen via a function. I don’t know where to start.

    Here’s an example on my developing TEST website.

    login: demo
    pass: demo

    Trying to get activity comments to post photos.
    ATM this is the only way I can see on COMMENTS. < img src=”Link” >



    I suggest finding a THEME that fits your goals and have as much features as possible.

    I chose my THEME because it had exactly what I needed and more in case I wanted to add on top of the features I didn’t currently use.

    You don’t want such a simple theme that you end up building from scratch which takes months to debug. This was my mistake when I first started up.

    Another thing is to TEST a theme intensively before going with it. What I mean by this is LOAD UP all your plugins and see if it’s compatible. Test it hardcore for flaws and bugs. If the theme breaks and doesn’t deliver toss it.

    Some themes are great at first and end up a bloat.

    That’s my bit of advice.



    Oh i see, it’s a comment.<–rubs his eyes.



    Ok try this.

    If that widget is PHP, try using iframe height and width to keep it within the range.
    <iframe width=”558″ height=”314″ <—example

    Or you can also have it set to AUTO.

    <iframe width=”auto” height=”auto” src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    This will cause the embed to auto-size perfectly and beautifully to the side bars or containers anywhere.

    That’s my solution to the media issue. I’ve resized all the imbeds to a certain height and width to prevent it from stacking or becoming over sized.

    It works even inside the loop too because its just an iframe imbed.



    Is IE the latest version and are all of the updates installed? I had that issue until I upgraded my IE and downloaded “ALL” of the updates. Everything displays “OK” after that.

    To be honest with you IE is never gonna display anything 100% from what I’ve seen because not every user has the latest and most updated IE.

    IE is below web standards from what I heard and perfectly fine themes will appear broken on it.



    I’ve had that issue before. I found out a plugin was causing the upload and crop issue.
    Have you tried juggling plugins on and off?

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