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  • @daleks


    Turns out it was AStickyPostOrderER. Deactivating it fixed the problem. Not sure why or if there is a work around but there you go.



    Is there a way to set a user as a BuddyPress admin without giving them access to administration for the whole site?

    I’d like to give someone access to do the non technical administration – to be able to edit other users profiles, change their avatars, take control of any group etc but don’t want them to have access to any site settings, plugins, themes etc.



    Hey – I am having a similar problem, and I am also running cforms. Would be interested in any progress you make getting them working together.



    So just as a reference for anyone else – I ended up having a quick look at the widget files… if you feel led to base your BP home page on a sub-blog all you need to do is open the widgets php file (i.e. ‘bp-blogs-wigets.php’) and find the condition that limits it to blog id = 1. change the 1 to the ID for the desired blog and your sorted. (There were two instances of this within the file to be changed).

    I’m sure you could just take the limiting factor out too – but I took the easy path.




    Sweet – thanks for that; exactly what I wanted to know! I’ll just work around this for now, maybe will look into it again later. Really impressed by how extensive and well done BP is by the way – good times!

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