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  • @danbutcher


    Changing the privacy setting did allow a comment to appear in the activity stream. Why would the privacy settings make a difference?



    @mrjarbenne, thanks for posting your process here–I’ve had the same issue, and now I know that I need to work with my plugins.



    I created bp-custom.php, and it contains only your code. I just added a plugin heading above it and wrapped it in an opening and closing php tags.



    @Peterverkooijen, thanks for the the links and explanation. I tried your “ugly workaround,” putting it into a plugin, but I get this error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare synchro_wp_usermeta() (previously declared in /home/dandoese/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php:15) in /home/dandoese/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php on line 35

    (In other words, the beginning of the function and the end); undoubtedly I have missed something somewhere in how I’m supposed to use this code.



    Brajesh, thanks for checking on that theme. I will try substituting the comments.php file.

    What did you look for in buddy theme to determine that it does not support threaded comments? I chose it because 1) it’s designed to match the BuddyPress default, and 2) the description says:

    Tags: Orange, two-columns, threaded-comments, fixed-width, right-sidebar

    I’d like to know what code to look for in themes in the future to ensure that the theme supports threaded comments.




    I’m using BuddyTheme 1.3.



    @John James Jacoby, awesome–thanks for the quick response! It’s this kind of thing that makes me love the WordPress/MU community.



    Solved the blank site problem–the appearance admin page was still set to BuddyPress Default Home Theme. Once I changed the theme to BuddyPress Default 1.1, the site appears.



    One more bit of confusion here:

    The readme states

    VERY IMPORTANT: If you are no longer using the old two-theme system from BuddyPress 1.0, please make sure to delete your /wp-content/bp-themes/ folder to activate the new one-theme setup.

    This conflicts with the error message, which says to move the new theme files to the folder that the readme tells me to delete.



    I had to first upgrade wpmu to 2.8.4a (from 2.8.4), and then I no longer got the fatal error when I auto-upgraded the BuddyPress plugin. However, my site was blank. In reading the instructions about the themes, I saw that I needed to move files from /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes. When I went to my server, there was no bp-themes folder there. Don’t know if something happened in the auto-upgrade or if auto-upgrade installs an incomplete version of the plugin.

    I reinstalled buddypress, moved the themes from /buddypress/bp-themes to wp-content/themes (per the readme file), and I get this error message:

    You do not have any BuddyPress themes installed.

    Please move the default BuddyPress themes to their correct location (move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/) and reload this page. You can download more themes here.

    Note that the readme says:

    move the themes in “wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/” to “wp-content/themes”

    while the error message says

    move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/

    following the instructions from the error message does allow wpmu to recognize the themes–but I still have a blank site. One problem down, more to go.



    Jeff, thanks for the clarification.

    I made sure that Blog Tracking was enabled when I realized that it should allow my students’ comments to show up in their activity list; I did this after just a few students had commented on a post. For some reason, though, their comments are not appearing as part of their activity.

    I’m beginning to think that something is wrong with my database. My site and blogs seem to be working correctly as far as posts go, but user data is not showing up in the database consistently. I’ve had two users register, but their required profile fields have not been added to the appropriate tables, etc.

    Since I’m well underway with my summer courses, I can’t afford to do any sort of re-install, but once the semester ends in early August, I think I will do the install from scratch and hopefully eliminate these sorts of problems.



    I’m wondering why the blogs component has to be turned on for this to show up under Activity. As my site is configured, I’ve got only a few blogs, and the majority of the activity is in user comments. Those comments are appearing under the “blogs” section for each user, but as Ray says, it would be nice to have it under activity as well. I have tracking for all blogs, comments, etc. turned on, but I’m reluctant to allow blog creation for all users just to get the commenting activity to show up under Activity. Any work arounds?



    Jeff, thanks for explaining where the data is stored. I will check my database and see if I notice anything unusual.

    As far as installation, no, the site was installed and configured on June 1, and then my students started accessing on June 2. That’s why this has seemed so odd to me that some students show all info and most don’t.

    I will mention that I didn’t do the install. I just set up hosting with TMD Hosting, and they offer complete BuddyPress install (with BBPress) as part of their service. My previous hosting was not configured to handle BuddyPress, so I had to go host shopping. I don’t have previous experience with BuddyPress, but I’ve been using WP for years, and as far as I can tell from the backend, everything seems to have been installed correctly, and the BBPress forums correctly integrated with BuddyPress. The only hitch has been with this user info.



    Jeff, thanks for the explanation. The fact that the “Full Name” field is the source for the first and last name fields in the backend is exactly the sort of information I was hoping to learn from my query.

    What confuses me, though, is that all students were required to complete the profile as they registered, and all of them show a full name in the members list, so clearly, each student entered a first and last name there. It seems that for some reason the Full Name field didn’t get parsed for all the students.



    OK–as I was writing my query last night, I thought that screenshots would probably help to make things clear, so I’ve uploaded some to Skitch: If you start with the oldest one first, you’ll see what my members listing looks like. Image #2 is the user list on the backend: it shows mostly usernames with a few real names. #3 shows what the user info screen looks like for most of the students, with only the username filled in. #4 shows one of the 4 students’ user info page, with complete info filled in (but not by the student–it automagically appeared, it seems). Then finally, image #5 shows two comments on a blog post on my buddypress site: one comment shows only the username, the other shows the full name hyperlinked to the student’s profile. Hopefully, this will make clearer what I’m asking. None of the four students with full info did anything different (that they know of).



    Great! I figured I could, but didn’t want to delete the user and then have the accompanying blog disappear or stop functioning.

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