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  • @devrim


    I think it is bad. See I found out that they are actually making Google believe,

    This makes our site look like we are affiliated, or we are phishing web site if nothing, it’s bad.

    Could that post be removed or that comment deleted ?

    google search:





    Hi David..

    Thanks, I don’t really know the reason wordpress/buddypress is slow. Although we have all sorts of optimizations (memcache,cdn,minifications) in place, wp-blog-header.php is not running under 0,3 secs, page loads are well around 1 sec. I have never dived into bp functions and investigated them thoroughly to comment on where the biggest impact on performance occurs.

    Since we are really busy on our project launch hassles, i’m trying to get this on the side as much as I can.

    If i anybody could help me out on testing the performance of buddypress using hiphop, or at least find out if it can compile or not, that can benefit this community a great deal too.



    I have now a working hiphop server at

    If someone wants to take the next step and compile buddypress with it, contact me I will give you root access.



    well i tried it costed me 4 hours, here is what you can start with on a centos 5.4

    yum install cmake gcc-c++ boost flex bison libmysql libxml2 libmcrypt libicu libcap gd zlib tbb oniguruma curl-devel.x86_64 libevent

    it will give you

    No package tbb available.

    No package oniguruma available.

    No package libmysql available.

    then u should go ahead and install this;

    and this

    and still being unable to compile this stupid device.

    on their documentation, it’s simple,

    after all; you will get:

    CMake Error: The source directory “/home/user/hiphop” does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.

    according to facebook, it should have just worked.

    maybe i should give it a try on Fedora. I give up for today.



    ok wpmu general setting to UTC-6 and putting this in our wp-config.php date_default_timezone_set(‘America/Chicago’); has solved it for me.



    we are having the same problem… everybody is an hour back, our server is CST, wpmu settings is CST.. i don’t know what’s going on.. u can see it at our kodingen site



    Hi Peter, I had the same problem, here is the code that will move everything from group_id 1 to group_id 3

    Check the id of the secondary group and change the number 3.


    $x = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM wp_bp_xprofile_fields WHERE group_id=1 and is_required=0”);

    foreach($x as $k=>$v){





    Thanks Jeff, that was a great link.. I solved my problem, I wish I could say what I did for the ones that will have this problem in the future, but there is no single solution. Mine worked with changing wp_blogs main blog URL, re-activating the theme from admin, and rest of the links didn’t work so i did a .htaccess redirect for them…

    i wish wordpress would come up with a move script like they have install… it’s very tiresome to debug everything..




    Thanks Jeff, I did that already. Also changed wp-config.php to reflect the new path and domain.

    It all comes down to the database, as far as I can see it. I don’t understand why wordpress needs to care about which domain it’s running on anyway but, that’s where we stand.

    I need to know what database fields/tables are dependent on the path of bp.



    thanks Andy!



    There are two ways to do it, first you can go to facebook apps settings, and create a callback upon successful login, and on that callback page you ask the user his email. Or you may setup your account that facebook will ask user if your app is allowed to send him direct emails.

    – first case, you need to store the email somewhere else on wp database, since user_email section will be occupied by fb provided proxy email. i don’t know if it breaks the fb-connect functionality if you overwrite that with user’s real email.

    – second case, sort of email becomes a gateway to your user. you will see that email on user_email section on wp database, if you send an email however, before user approves through fb, it will bounce.

    i haven’t implemented it, this is kind of my research before fb revised their api, so I apologize in advance if it’s not accurate.



    I got it, first I applied your fix, then reverted back to my original settings, now it works. This may have happened if all themes were disabled except bp-home, just guessing though, i’m not going to try to reproduce.



    Hi Alpe, fix worked for me but all styles are gone.. any idea?



    Thanks Andy. This fixed it. I’m still curious as to why it was ok on previous version though, but stdClass is definitely better than array (because we didn’t change anything).

    And unfortunately our application uses bp as a feature, so I’ll have to go outside of ‘action-based’ architecture a lot, and yet have to find ways to make it fully integrated.

    So far so good. Thanks again.



    and to whom it may concern; these kind of errors are discouraging. If we had a decent buddypress alternative we would have switched already. $bp related errors* and errors that belong to the core, very demotivating as they are making our whole system unstable.

    We spend hours first on the system try to find what’s wrong, and hours on internet try to find if anyone else has a fix.




    Jessica, it has nothing to do with update, svn, final or whatsoever..

    only the fix below works. like you posted.

    In file wp-includes/capabilities.php add on line 2:


    thanks, it helped us too.



    in fact whole print_r($bp); is empty.



    $test is empty. no matter what we do.



    require_once( ‘bp-core.php’ );

    global $bp, $wpdb, $current_blog;

    require_once( ‘x/classes/DB_Operations.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/FS_Operations.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/POST_Operations.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/Render_to_Browser.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/x_Environment.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/File.php’ );

    require_once( ‘x/classes/Notification.php’ );

    $init_environment = new x_Environment();

    $doPostActions = new POST_Operations();

    $test = $bp->loggedin_user->id;




    Hi Burtadsit, for example, you have mu-plugins/myplugin.php and it includes with require_once(myplugin/classes/myclass.php)

    then you try to get $bp->loggedin_user->id; it is just empty in that class file, although each function starts with ‘global $bp’; It used to work when it was array, now strangely it is empty at random.

    This is the weird part, it is empty sometimes.

    I temporarily saved all $bp stuff that i need to Session. My code is not poetry anymore…



    Andy, stdClass change is all good, but $bp is weirdly unreachable.. $bp->loggedin_user->id for example randomly decides to return empty string how ever we tried. Yes, wp-blog-header is included and global $bp line is there.

    Do you do anything extra to call this variable? or any preparation is necessary other than what we are doing?

    Anyone experiencing similar error?

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