I saw the Trac and I’ll hold out hope that is it. I never used any email plugins until I started troubleshooting this issue. I’ll happily drop them for BP emails.
It doesn’t appear to be. The only emails I’m receiving are those initiated by WP or bbPress. The emails related to activation, group requests, mentions, and other BuddyPress emails are not coming through.
I’ve confirmed the 3rd party email blocking only applies to (mt)’s WordPress hosting not their Grid system. Unfortunately, that means I’m back to it being a BuddyPress / SMTP issue.
I’ve tried a couple of other email plugins and none have worked either. Again, regular WP emails are working fine.
I see this was about a week ago, but I’m having the same problem. I’ve tried many of the plugins mentioned in other threads, but haven’t had any luck with any of them. I’m on Media Temple’s Grid service (not their WP hosting) and I’ve checked the mail settings, spam folders, with no luck.