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  • Actually I changed the widget css in the core file bpcore/ bpwidgets.php I changed the javascript to show effects ( fade in & out) in the div container I wished. but it doesnt show up properly.

    But that doesn’t matter as per my needs .. I am happy to show only the recently registered members. I am sorry for not being able to show you the sample .. will do that when I complete the site.

    Thanks burtadsit.. but that means If I have to make 50 blogs (which I do) and I use the same theme and all, I will have to activate the sidebar widget in each blog separately… God .. that’s painful..

    Anyway, buddypress rocks !

    That’s fine.I am sorry .. was just trying to give maximum information possible for someone to help me.

    BTW I know about the wpmu forums and I had already posted a topic there. I just wanted to be sure that these errors are not due to some bp bug or something.

    Thanks anyways!

    Thanks Buddy. Exactly what I was looking for. Anyways thanks. But this does not display the thumbnail .. does it?

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