Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic request of friend in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 5 years, 10 months ago
I need this solution. There isn’t an option for this in the admin end. Also cant find how to play with this problem in the codex.
Any expert willing to help out here?
Arize Nnonyelu started the topic How to send email update to BuddyPress users in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 5 years, 11 months ago
I was using this plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/email-users/)to send mail updates and newsletters to users of my site, but it stopped working, I also tried this one(https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-mail-smtp), yet it didn’t work. Though it has this notice;
Some plugins, like BuddyPress and Events Manager, are using own email delivery…
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic User Activity as default home page in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 11 months ago
it has an error in the 5th line of the code which made my site not load, it just displayed all white, no content, nothing. Just the address bar. Had to remove the code, can you review it thoroughly again?
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic User Activity as default home page in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 11 months ago
yes, that’s exactly what i am looking for. How do i achieve it? Thanks so much
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic User Activity as default home page in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 11 months ago
How do i achieve this? From my end here i am using a static page as my home page. i didn’t set it to latest posts, because i already tried and it was trying to show me blog posts. so how do i make that static page the activity page?
Arize Nnonyelu started the topic User Activity as default home page in the forum Creating & Extending 5 years, 11 months ago
I previously asked if it was possible to use one’s activity page as the default home page for each user, but you confirmed that it was impossible. Then I stumbled into Kleo theme which had the option to use buddypress activity as the default home page. It just goes straight to the activity page uniquely for each user. I was using it until the…[Read more]
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Timeline horizontal scrolling how to archieve [REQ] in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years ago
Ok. Thanks so much again. 🙂
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Timeline horizontal scrolling how to archieve [REQ] in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years ago
@venutius thanks for the support.
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Timeline horizontal scrolling how to archieve [REQ] in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years ago
ok. that’s just google search. why is the thread in danger of being closed? facebook, e-commerce sites and everybody uses the same method these days. Sidebar widgets do not display on mobile view(they all come at the bottom), so i wanted to use this method because some users might have a very long activity stream and wont see the contents in the…[Read more]
Arize Nnonyelu started the topic Timeline horizontal scrolling how to archieve [REQ] in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years ago
How can I achieve this? What kind of language is used to do this? How can i integrate it into buddypress timeline/ activity stream.
see very short video of demo, horizontal scrolling
<div style=”width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 177.778%;”><iframe src=”https://streamable.com/s/ru5z4/jgrpbj”…[Read more]
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Trying to privatize buddypress in a way that works fine in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 1 month ago
Thanks so much @vapvarum I’ll continue from here.
Arize Nnonyelu started the topic Trying to privatize buddypress in a way that works fine in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 1 month ago
LH BuddyPress doesn’t work normally. Though it makes the site require login details for users that are not logged in. If a user tries to go straight to a link, it will still bring out the login screen. But the user is logged in that browser. This will require users to manually go to the link, instead of clicking away.
So I came across this code…[Read more]
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Buddypress Tournaments in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 2 months ago
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Buddypress Tournaments in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 2 months ago
Would have been amazing if the plugin could actually run leagues on its own and users will be managers. If yah know what I mean.
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic “Add Friend” won't ever change in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 3 months ago
I didn’t edit it. So you have seen the screenshots where could these strings possibly come from? I’ve edited the Theme (2017). The plugin and buddypress but I’m still seeing these words where could the have come from?
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic “Add Friend” won't ever change in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 3 months ago
Arize Nnonyelu started the topic “Add Friend” won't ever change in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 3 months ago
I used Loco Translate credit to @prashantvatsh to successfully change the “Friend” Strings to “Connections”. But it still shows “Add Friend” “Unfriend”. I translated both in buddypress and the theme I’m using also in the plugin I’m using. So I don’t know what else I need to translate for those strings to change. I’m short of ideas… Any on…[Read more]
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Buddypress Tournaments in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 3 months ago
Could you be more elaborate? Tournaments on what?
Did you have any Tournaments plugin in mind yet?
With buddypress users are linked it depends on private or public profile. -
Arize Nnonyelu started the topic Friends Activity without reloading page. AJAX in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 4 months ago
How can I enable users to add friends and accept friends with out having the page reload? It’s currently inconvenient for members to add someone and wait for reload to add another person.
Can anybody help with this?
Arize Nnonyelu replied to the topic Activation Key in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 4 months ago
I strongly think it’s a problem with an outdated plugin or theme.
Try to update themes and plugins, from my experience that could happen when buddypress is working with an outdated, theme or plugin.
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