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  • @doremdou


    Thank youuuuuuuuu @danbp ! πŸ™‚
    I didn’t notice that it was not buddypress until now… sorry ^^

    thanks again @henrywright & @danbp
    have a good day



    Oh I think I understand, it is working on BP activities but mentions in activities which concerned bbPress forums (topics, replies…) are still linking to profiles.

    Should I ask how to fix this in bbPress forums or should the code you gave me above also disable it?

    Thank you very much



    I understand, I will try to disable everything until I see a change



    Thank you @danbp for your answer.
    I don’t know why but even with your code in bp-custom.php user link to profile are still there on old and new @mentions

    Could it be a plugin “conflict”?



    someone = something sorry



    Hello @henrywright thank you for your answer πŸ™‚
    I tried the plugin but it only remove mentions tabs, if someone put a “@” before a name it always link to his profile, am I doing someone wrong or the plugin is not working like it should?



    Hi again, any ideas for this? πŸ™‚
    Thank you very much for your time and help



    @1a-spielwiese hi, @danbp ‘s solution is working perfectly for me in my functions.php

    thank you a lot @danbp πŸ™‚



    Hi πŸ™‚
    Any ideas for this? ^^

    thank you very much



    @danbp really? you are using this theme and you can use the load more button on group activities?

    so something is wrong on my side… I removed all plugins, functions and child theme but the basic theme and group activities are still not working, will look at it a bit more…

    thanks πŸ™‚



    Hi @danbp thank you for your answer πŸ™‚

    Should I open a ticket and describe the problem with my specific theme?
    Won’t they tell me to ask the theme developper for help as this is a buddypress website?
    I see it has something to do with theme and buddypress conflict/compatibility somewhat, but I am not sure I will be clear enough to explain the problem
    Sorry I don’t really understand all of this ^^

    Well I thought of another fix for my problem, is this possible to disable the “load more” button and activate pagination for activities?

    I saw something like that in (old?) code the other day:
    ” <?php /* Show pagination if JS is not enabled, since the “Load More” link will do nothing */ ?> ”

    is this still used and how can I de/activate it? πŸ™‚
    Thank you very much



    Hi πŸ™‚
    Does anyone has an idea for this?

    I tried to contact the theme developper but I think he does not answer questions like this one anymore, I can understand him but I don’t really know how to fix this without help…

    I don’t really know where to look, which files are concerned?
    thank you very much



    @mercime hi again πŸ™‚ I am using a free theme,hueman.
    I can’t provide a link to my site :/

    I have tried saving the permalinks but didnt change anything,
    Do someone know which files are causing those things to not work? is there any way to find if a file is not called properly on a page or something like that? I am lost and don’t really know where to look…



    Hi @mercime thank you very much for your answer πŸ™‚

    sorry, I am always on the last version: BP 2.0.1 and WP 3.9.1

    I tried what you said and I am so sad…
    The problem is indeed coming from my theme πŸ™

    I have two problems coming from my theme with buddypress and activities…
    – The read more button on group activites is not working
    – and when we click on “delete” on a activity message, it does not work and display a 404 error page.

    With the twenty fourteen theme it is working fine…
    Where should I look what is wrong with my theme?
    Thank you very much for your help πŸ™‚



    Hello, thank you very much for your help @danbp I will test this when I am back home ^^

    PS: aren’t you the Dan on the FR BP website? you are everywhere haha!
    Thank you again you are awesome πŸ™‚



    Hello @r-a-y thank you for your help πŸ™‚
    I tried to post an update in each group but it didnt change anything, auto created groups still don’t show up in the group loop.

    And… sorry but I am very new with php and all, do I need to replace the function in my code (in the first post) with the one you linked?

    Thanks πŸ™‚



    Hello everyone πŸ™‚

    after 1 month I still can’t figure this out, please can someone help? πŸ™

    Thank you very much in advance.



    Hello Brajesh Singh ! πŸ™‚
    Thank you for your answer πŸ™‚

    I will test your code in a few hours when I am back home ! ^^

    And yes a join and leave button depending on the currently logged in user in a single shortcode would be awesome! πŸ™‚



    Hello πŸ™‚
    I am still looking to make this work, does anyone have an idea? πŸ™‚
    Thank you very much πŸ™‚



    Hello πŸ™‚
    Any ideas please? πŸ™‚
    Thank you very much



    Hi πŸ™‚
    I still need help for this please, anyone has any advices? a tip? where should I search?
    I am completely lost πŸ™

    Thank you πŸ™‚



    Hi again, please can someone help?
    Some of my groups are unusable it is really annoying :/



    Hello @modemlooper thank you for your answer πŸ™‚
    Yes I did read all comments and as you can see in my code I added:
    groups_update_groupmeta( $id, β€˜invite_status’, β€˜members’ );
    (It is the only thing in the comments or did I miss something?)

    All groups are well displayed it is not the problem.

    It is just that they are well counted in the “General Groups Counter” (All groups 140)
    but not counted in the
    Group List Counter” (Viewing group 61 to 80 (of 111 groups))
    as you can see on my screenshot :/



    Hi again,

    any ideas why? ;x



    Hello, this is buddypress support forums here not bbpress ones πŸ™‚
    You should ask your questions here : πŸ™‚

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