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Sounds great, thank you! ๐
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So maybe it would make sense to check all the notifications? ๐
The issue I found with this plugin is that PDFโs are not working if youโre attaching them to โseparate files/already uploaded filesโ from the back-end.ย
Hello again
You can use the following site for uploading images and generating shortlinks for sharing (you can also setup expiration time on shares):
In regards of the issue, it seems wierd that this is only working in the Firefox browser. Have you checked if this is because of saved cache?
What happens if you clear both server and browser cache and try again? – or use incognito in Firefox? – is the issue still the same in this case?
The issue I found with this plugin is that PDF’s are both working if you’re attaching them to “separate files” from the back-end. In the media gallery, you should have the option to “attach” and pick the document on the list. In this case it will return a “File not found.” message in front-end.
If you however attach/upload the PDF from the actual “Add docs” on the front-end, then it should work.
I have tested it in all available browsers, and works fine for me (on a pretty complex setup, with a lot of custom code and features).
Have you done any troubleshooting in regards to check if this might be a compatibility issue with other plugins you’re using?
Also what version og WP, BuddyPress and Docs are you using?
Screenshot would be helpful indeed – if possible. ๐
Kind regards
Hello @alfeizar
Are you using the BuddyPress Docs plugin?
I haven’t used Poedit in a long time and I can’t remember if it also stores the PO-files in different locations; custom, system and author – like LocoTranslate.
I would suggest you try to clear cache (both browser and server) – if you haven’t done this yet. Sometimes that works since some of it might get lost in cookies and so on.
Anyways – hope it works, if not keep me updated ๐
Hello @juriss
From my experience it can be tricky sometimes to translate BuddyPress content (since it’s dynamic). For this reason, I use a combination of 2 plugins.
Loco Translate – This can be used to translate “fixed/most” content.
TranslatePress – This can be used for “dynamic content” like activity and so on.You should be able to translate the โWhatโs new inโ with the LocoTranslate plugin itself.
If not, you could try the TranslatePress – both free and no premium/pro/payment is required.
Hello @ph59
I personally only allow my members to create private groups, since I don’t want them to have public groups flooding the main activity wall and so on. Also it just makes sense with the setup I personally have.
If the only fix you need, is for members to only save/create group with settings as (just an example) private groups, this can be done with some custom code.
The code is available in my post here: BuddyPress โ Limit creation of groups (private only) โ WITH CODE
This can be done by targeting specific site roles.
Also the code could probably be modified to also exclude users from invitations and so on (hiding the option).
Maybe this helps! ๐
You could always use this snippet and maybe adjust the height of the field/container if needed:
This is just an example in the BuddyX theme – can be done with other themes too..buddyx-mem-cover-img { visibility: hidden; } .buddyx-mem-cover-wrapper { height: 100px; }
You might already have solved this, since the post is 2 months old – however – I just wanted to mention that this can be done with a simple setting.
Go to Settings > Forums > Forum Integration for BuddyPress
Change the setting in the box “Allow BuddyPress Groups to have their own forums”.
Hope it helps. ๐
Hello again
Sorry for the late reply, I forgot to setup notifications on this post. ๐
I now see what you’re trying to do and why you would use the Select2 options (looks cool!).
Now to my next question – what have you done to debug this? Have you tested if this is due to a compatibility issue within your current theme or with a third-party plugin maybe?
I’ve never used the Select2 myself, but I would like to test it out myself for sure. ๐
Hello @emaralive
Thank you for the update! ๐
I can confirm that it now works with the new update – yaaaay! :o)
Thank you guys for all the work you do for the community!
Keep up the great work. <3
I’m just curious, but what is the “select2” supposed to do? – Is this a secondary plugin you’ve got or what is the purpose of this?
The Xprofile fields are capable on its own to support multi-select, so I’m just a bit confused on what you’re trying to accomplish here and what the actual issue is?
Maybe a more detailed description would make it easier to try and troubleshoot this. ๐
Are you using LocoTranslate?
In this case this might be the issue. There was a lot of issues after the update to WordPress 6.7 regarding how the text got translated. It seems to have been fixed with their latest update though.
Recieved your mail.. I’ll see what I can do ๐
And you use the BuddyX theme with BuddyPress and not the BuddyBoss Platform right?
You can send me an email here:
This reply will be deleted once you reach out, in order to prevent spam mails in the future. ๐
If this doesnโt work for you, it would be nice to get access at least to the site to troubleshoot the issue from there. I don’t have a ton of time to troubleshoot lol, but I would like to give it a try. Hopefully it can be fixed to work as intended so you can move on with something more fun to do than troubleshooting the same issue for days lol.
I could provide you with my “junk-email” which I use for this exact purpose (if needed).
I think I understand what your issue if yes, but still sounds wierd to me lol.
Anyways, you could try add this snippet code into a WPcode PHP snippet and see if it will do the trick for you by setting up default sorting to be by display name.
// Force BuddyPress member directory to always be sorted by display name function custom_buddypress_member_sorting( $args ) { // Check if the current page is the members directory if ( bp_is_members_directory() ) { // Set the 'orderby' to 'display_name' and 'order' to 'ASC' $args['orderby'] = 'display_name'; $args['order'] = 'ASC'; // You can change to 'DESC' for descending order } return $args; } add_filter( 'bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'custom_buddypress_member_sorting' );
Let me know if that might solve your issue. ๐
If you want the “Name” (display name) to always be set by default to “username”, you can add this code into your functions.php (or preferable using the Snippet Code plugin WPCode – with a PHP snippet code).
This should setup the default display name to always show the “username” when creating new user profiles.
// Function to set the display name to the username for new users or profile updates function bp_sync_display_name_with_username($user_id) { // Get the user data $user_info = get_userdata($user_id); if ($user_info) { // Get the username $username = $user_info->user_login; // Update display_name to the username wp_update_user(array( 'ID' => $user_id, 'display_name' => $username )); } } // Hook the function to user registration and profile update actions add_action('user_register', 'bp_sync_display_name_with_username'); add_action('profile_update', 'bp_sync_display_name_with_username');
Also, you can add another function to sort by alphabetical by default if this continues to be causing you issues.
// Function to set default BuddyPress member sorting to alphabetical function bp_default_members_sorting_alphabetical($args) { // Check if the 'type' is not set, set it to 'alphabetical' if (empty($args['type'])) { $args['type'] = 'alphabetical'; } return $args; } // Apply the filter to the member query arguments add_filter('bp_after_has_members_parse_args', 'bp_default_members_sorting_alphabetical');
Let me know if that works for you.
Hello again @forinn
I hate to make a different txt-document since it would not let me upload a longer answer in here and then started to refuse because of duplicate posting. Anyways, see my attached answer from the link below.
Hope it helps! ๐
@forinn I’m trying to upload a reply, but it’s not letting me lol. I’m getting back to you with an answer asap when it lets me post.
I just wanted to thank @dreampixel for the support they are giving here on the site. Itโs very refreshing. Usually no help whatsoever is offered by any of the people behind Buddypress. None.
Hello @thinlizzie ๐
I’m by no means an expert or anything lol, but I’ve been playing around with WordPress and numerous different large setups for the past 15+ years. I normally reply to people if I got the time or ideas on what could be done.
That is not my experience that there is no support in here. Please remember that BuddyPress is open source and the users in here (mods included) are not obligated to help/offer support all the time. Most people in here have other projects going on and/or might not be able to help. Also, a lot of the time the same issues are highlighted again and again instead of people searching the forums for answers first.
That being said, I also appreciate when people try to help me troubleshooting, since it can be quite frustrating when things doesnโt work, and you have people depending on it.
Also please note that the name field marked in the Users > Profile Fields with “(Primary)” IS the display name itself. This should be the field users use upon registration of their user – and this is also the field the BuddyPress Member Directory uses to sort content Alphabetical.
Hello again ๐
This might start to make sense then!
First, when you translate something within the code itself (not using a translation plugin and po/mo file) it will for the most part be overridden whenever you update your WordPress / plugins that are translated. So, this might be why it doesnโt work now after the update.
I personally use a combination of LocoTranslate and TranslatePress. This is because BuddyPress activity is updated the way it is and for that reason LocoTranslate itself is not able to translate the dynamic content (like when activity updates – without the page doing so) โ this TranslatePress supports.
So, for the BuddyPress content that canโt be translated correctly using LocoTranslate, I use the TranslatePress for those. Both plugins are free to use, and it doesnโt require you to purchase any expensive addons.
It’s important that you pick the right placement for your translation-files (custom, author, system). If they’re not in the right place the translation might not show up on the front-end. Also make sure you setup the settings within the LocoTranslate plugin not to override your translated files upon updating WordPress: Loco Translate > Settings > File system access > Modification of installed files & Editing of POT (template) files must be set to Disallow.
For the display name, this should be the default value it sorts by. Mine by default sorts by display name. When you go to Users > Profile Fields – you can edit the different settings from within there with the names and what is mandatory/not mandatory.
For the sorting part (or other features in the future) if it still causes issues, maybe a snippet code using a plugin like WPCode Lite might be a better solution rather than going into the code and edit it from there. In this way it will not get affected in most cases when you update WordPress, plugins and theme.
Maybe some of this can help you – if not – then feel free to keep me updated. ๐
Sounds weird, since I’m also using the user fields (xProfile fields) – my site is translated into Danish, but my site-admin back-end it set to English. This is due to it being easier to find items in the menu when troubleshooting (hate when settings and so on is translated lol).
So seems weird to me if the translation part of it is causing the issue, since I’m also using it, but not having the same issue?
Hope you find a solution and it ends up working for you though! ๐