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Forum Replies Created

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  • @dubbinz


    @mercine he is saying the link in the email is wrong. it’s not linking to the activity comments on activity but the actual forums reply. Somebody saw his forums reply on the activity page added a comment to it there but the email notification is pointing to the forums not the activity.

    is there a way to change that?



    I am also having this issue and I think I have narrowed it down to certain email providers and how they deal with links. Yahoo for instance opens the activation code page while at the same time the account is activated so you do not need to enter any code while gmail and hotmail link straight to a page that says the account is activated. This is indeed a problem.



    much obliged thanks



    bbPress BP forums for groups and 1.6.5 is the version



    remove the possibility to add tags.



    Ok I think I may have found a solution. Uninstall all forums installs and delete all groups then follow this old guide here

    It’s for an older version but it worked ok for me with bbpress Version 2.2.4 and buddypress Version 1.6.5

    Once done with the guide created a new group with the group creation wizard and after it is finished go into admin>forums on the group page and save the settings enabling forums again as apparently there is a bug that sometimes doesn’t enable the forums but doing this fixes it.

    I hope it works for you as it has worked for me.



    I also had the same problem and I fixed this by removing all forums and following this old tutorial here

    after following it I deleted all the groups that were made before in an existing group forums installation and created a new group enabling the forums for the group and it all worked. You may have to, after creating your new groups, go click admin > forum on the group page and click to enable the group forums again as this is an old bug apparently that sometimes does not register the forums during the group creation wizard.

    I hope this fixes your problem.



    I am also getting this error, any help would be great.

    the error appears in the title of the page for me and throws up a blank white page

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bb_get_id_from_slug() in /home/dtrboss/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bp-forums-functions.php on line 178

    It happens for me when creating a topic in the group forums. I started getting this error after following Set Up Group and Sitewide Forums on this page

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