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  • @dwsowash


    This in you function php hides it from everyone but admins

    //Removes BuddyBar from non-admins only
    function splen_remove_admin_bar() {
    	if( !is_super_admin() ) 
    		add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );
    add_action('wp', 'splen_remove_admin_bar');

    Is that what you mean?



    I guess I should have pointed out that this is as you scroll up




    And while I’ve got your attention I have “buddypress-activity-plus and bp-group-documents” plugins and no matter what I do only admins can upload docs. I went so far as to change the group settings in the db “group_documents_upload_permission” to “members” and admins are still the only one’s who can upload.



    Well I guess this is resolved.
    I renamed my groups folder to 000 and threw a new copy in and it fixed it.
    But I wasn’t even in that folder so I don’t know whats up?
    Oh well. It’s Resolved!



    I’m 1280×1024
    But I don’t think resolutions the problem. If I minimize the browser the sidebar will disappear but it’s contents jump to the footer.
    On group pages when I minimize the sidebar contents ARE in the footer. But when I maximize they aren’t on the page at all.



    Add these additions to your style.css for a fix.

    #buddypress div#item-header #item-header-cover-image #item-actions {
        margin-top: 0px !important;
        margin-left: 0px;
        clear: all !important;
        max-width: 80% !important;



    I have the exact same problem. Too much white space.

    Newest wordpress Newest Buddypress using 2014 theme.



    I’m not very knowledgeable so I need more than that.

    from the link….
    “Accepted arguments: ASC, DESC”
    but I don’t know how to make the argument!



    Any clues to this? Where would I start?



    Thank you! Yes it was. BuddyPress Wall.
    The solution was tinkering between entry.php and entry-wall.php



    By changing the 'per_page' => #X, the “Load More” link works again BUT it will only cycle thru 4 or 5 times.
    In order to get a decent amount of activity showing I have to set 'per_page' => 60, to like 60. If is set it to 'per_page' => 7 to 20, like I would like to it only cycles thru 4 or 5 times giving me a max of 30 to 50 or so.

    Is there some kind of limit setting I’m missing?



    I tries everything for spam and the only thing that worked was the WangGuard plugin. Works great at stopping spammers from registering and creating groups.
    Now I have no spam trouble at all and it’s all i use. No capta or Akismet or anything else.



    Yes there are about 50 register.php pages in buddypress. But I think the one you need to edit is found in this path.



    RESOLVED is an excellent cross browser gradient generator.



    The link you gave is good to have but if you look at the image I posted the button I’ve circled in blue has the gradient effect I’m going for.
    I just can’t get it to apply to all the rest of them.



    “At that point I will call BuddyPress “Perfect”!”
    Well…I’m calling BuddyPress “Perfect”!

    I’m using the Social Connect plugin because I like the look of its FB and Twitter buttons but it wanted to redirect users to the WP-profile page. So I gave it this meta refresh
    “<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0;url=MYSITE/members/“>”

    and it works like a charm.(I know it’s a hack but….)

    So now my plugin from my login page(screen shot) lands at the correct BuddyPress profile page(screenshot)
    You can mark this resolved!

    Have a nice day!



    All I’m trying to do is redirect to
    At that point I will call BuddyPress “Perfect”!



    I use a theme not supported by buddypress.
    I use no custom functions.
    I do not use a child-theme.
    I have “disabaled” Profile syncing in BP settings.(because it seems to make no difference).

    “Can you test by deactivating all your plugins, except BP and with 2013 theme activated ?”
    Yes I can and will. But I’m trying to fight my way through with what I’ve got because I like the look and feel. If I can’t have the plugins and theme I’ve got now I might as well scrap the whole pile.

    I’m not trying to cast fault or blame I’m just looking for insight to what I might need to “hack”.



    On login without the BuddyPress Login Redirect plugin enabled logging in redirects to…(which is wp profile)

    With the plugin enabled users are sent to…which is buddypress profile)

    Either way if they login through facebook or twitter they land at;.(which is wp profile)





    Got rid of the members-3 Now it’s just members.
    Deactivated the BP Redirect to Profile for Buddypress and it redirects to WP-profile not the buddypress profile.



    Hey! sorry. Thanks for the quick res response.
    Let me be a little more descriptive.
    I have a plugin that redirects users to their buddypress profile not their wp profile.(works great)
    I have a facebook,twitter,yahoo,ect login plugin but it wants to redirect to the wp profile page which it calls “your profile. I hade to make this page or it would give ma a 404.

    I’m tired of playing so I’m trying to meta refresh from the wp profile to the buddypress profile.


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