Eduardo Santos started the forum topic Bubble not showing on IE in the group CD BuddyPress Avatar Bubble: 14 years ago
Great, great plugin. I am experiencing some trouble on IE8 users. Bubble is not shown and I get the following ‘jquery.js’ error :.
Access Denied
Line: 127
Character: 287
Code: 0The same installation runs fine if user access it from Chrome instead of IE8.
Have any idea/suggestion?
Thanks in advance
Eduardo Santos joined the group CD BuddyPress Avatar Bubble 14 years ago
Eduardo Santos posted on the forum topic Assign a Teacher to a Course in the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware: 14 years ago
Thanks for the help. I will install all over again and try to see what happens.
Eduardo Santos posted on the forum topic Assign a Teacher to a Course in the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware: 14 years ago
@suskov, Am I missing something? I have two users and one BP group. Both are group admins. One has the “Teacher” role assigned. But on the “On a glance” screen I get: Básico – A1.1 course class started by admin and managed by 0 teacher(s) for this group Shoudn’t it say that the user who […]
Eduardo Santos started the forum topic Assign a Teacher to a Course in the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware: 14 years ago
Dear sirs, Thanks for the beautiful plugin. I hope to actively contribute to it’s growth. Just installed it and am trying to reach the concepts. I have read the handbook but still have no idea on how to assign a teacher to a course. Currently I have a wp/bp user who is a subscriber at […]
Eduardo Santos joined the group BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware 14 years ago
Eduardo Santos started the forum topic Forum tags are not stored/showed in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
It’s a fresh wp+bp install.
Enabled foruns and it seems to work ok but… tags are not stored nor showed.
I looked the tablewp_bb_terms
and has no lines.Any help?
Thanks in advance,
Eduardo Santos posted on the forum topic Translation Question in the group BuddyPress Forums Extras: 15 years ago
I am also interested on translating the plugin. My language would be PT-BR. Please contact me if you have any news on this.
Eduardo Santos joined the group BuddyPress Forums Extras 15 years ago
Eduardo Santos posted on the forum topic Have no permission to see this page after change language (again) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Ok, done.
WP Brazilian localized version installs a ‘pt_BR.php’ file on wp-content/languages folder.
The file containsJust renamed the file and everything is ok.
Eduardo Santos posted on the forum topic Have no permission to see this page after change language (again) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
In fact the “Have no permission…” is due to the fact that users cannot login after the language is set.
Eduardo Santos posted on the forum topic Have no permission to see this page after change language (again) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Setting language on “Dashboard>Settings>General>Site Language”. WP language file is Ok. If I uninstall bp and set wp to portuguese it just runs fine. If I try to install bp with the language set to portuguese, the error occours during bp activation. I worked aroung seting the language to english and was able to install/activate bp. […]
Eduardo Santos posted on the forum topic Have no permission to see this page after change language (again) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
No, it is a fresh install. No plugins aside bp, akismet and Hello Dolly. Only BP is enabled.
Eduardo Santos posted an update 15 years ago
I think I am having the same problem as you: once I set the language on wp, I get the “Have no permission to see this page” message. This message is issued by wp and it is on the translated language.
I have already opened a new forum topic in order to find some guidance.
It is on:
Is it possible that you tell me how did you solve this? -
Eduardo Santos started the forum topic Have no permission to see this page after change language (again) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Think I have exactly the same error as @kotos had. It is a fresh install of a networked wp + buddypress. After setting language on wp dashboard I can no longer access dashboard and keep receiving a wp message saying I have no permission to se this page. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in […]
Eduardo Santos joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 15 years ago
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