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  • @ehegwer


    I’d like to know this too.



    Yep, I just did the update, and so far so good. But if you are concerned, you should do a backup just in case.



    Still works like a charm for me with
    Version 1.2.7
    WordPress 3.0.3



    I’d ask these questions over on the etivite site.



    Creating a child theme really isn’t that hard, and you aren’t relying on a 3rd party to maintain a plugin.

    First I created a new folder in the usual WP themes location, and named it child theme.
    Then I grabbed the header and footer pages from the buddypress/themes folder, and edited them for my page, saving in the new Child theme folder.
    Then,I used a basic generic WP framework to get started, and added some buddypress and wordpress php as needed – just cutting and pasting the loop, and BP stuff as needed.
    Once the first page was made, I just would add or subtract the items needed for individual pages, blog pages, user pages, etc.

    If you know just a little php, html, and CSS it’s not hard.



    Looks like you might have a problem in the DB – If I’m not mistaken the username should be in there somewhere. Try creating a new user. Does the problem persist?



    Why not just add a website profile to the BP side, and forget about (turn off) the WP side?



    +1 – In the WP admin panel, click on users, and then add new. It’s really easy



    What are the permissions set to?



    I’ve been searching all night for this, too.



    As for the usernames, I just added a note to the field that appears on registration. When people are signing up, and that mandatory username field pops up, I make sure users know that this is visible to the entire community. That way they know not to use something private. Most internet users know all about usernames, right?



    Pretty easy. Just create some custom registration fields for each of the categories you want to collect. You can make them mandatory if you want, too.

    Then to make things private you can use the BuddyPress Private Community plugin, and that would prevent prying eyes from seeing things they shouldn’t.



    Yep, that works for me, too.



    This is my first pass, and I’m getting a T-string error on the last line – FWIW, I have no Idea if this is the correct path, but it makes sense to me

    function add_profile_updates_to_activity_feed(){
    global $bp;
    $bp_member_profile_data( ‘birthday’ )

    bp_activity_add( ‘$bp_member_profile_data’,’add_profile_updates_to_activity_feed’)





    Not to hijack, but I saw this and thought someone might have some suggestions for adding profile updates to the activity feed. (I’ve got custom fields, and want a notification to show up in the feed, when updated).



    I can get the plugin to activate without throwing an error by changing line 49 :

    bp_core_new_subnav_item( $bp->friends->slug , __(‘InviteFriends’), __(‘Invite Friends’),

    but I’m having a bugger of a time with the rest.






    I thought I’d resurrect this post, as it’s almost 1/2 a year old. Maybe someone has figured this out? I’d love to know the secret :)



    I’d like to know how to do this, too. It’s pretty easy to do a password reset, and one less form to fill out is one less barrier to entry.



    I’m getting the same error :
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_core_add_subnav_item() in /wp-content/plugins/invitefriends-plug-in/bp-invitefriends.php on line 49

    I’m running the latest
    wp 3.0.1

    would love to see a fix



    Yes, but e-mail notification is a great way to keep members interested (and coming back) – and not everyone uses RSS.



    BTW – I’m looking for some custom gravitars – any designers interested?



    I’m a vegetarian, but your recipe is just the ticket!

    Thanks for the link to Charlie’s article – good read while munching some rabbit food.

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