pcwriter posted on the forum topic Buddypress 1.2.6, 2 months late -.- in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 2 months ago
@electron88 Milestone 1.2.6 had a target date of 08/02/10. Notice the term “target”. It happens to us all now and then to miss a target. Now imagine, if you will, several dozen kind folks collaborating on a huge coding project with input and wild ideas from several HUNDRED others. In such a scenario, it is highly […]
nahid sultana posted an update 14 years, 5 months ago
@electron88 hi there
hey iam new to this world when had u joined?? -
Tosh posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@electron88 Mind rating 5 stars here as well? https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cubepoints-buddypress-integration/
Tosh posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
@electron88 Can you share how you integrated it into wp-polls? Would love to see that.
On BuddyPress Gifts, just put in -10 in the points value field. You can do that for any field actually.
Alright thank you, I didn’t know that the points for the Gifts related to the CubePoints.
Open WP-Polls.php (Note: I have done this with WP-Polls 2.40)
foreach($poll_aid_array as $polla_aid) {
$wpdb->query(“UPDATE $wpdb->pollsa SET polla_votes = (polla_votes+1) WHERE polla_qid = $poll_id AND polla_aid = $polla_aid”);
}Add After:
/* Additional CubePoints integration */
if( function_exists(‘cp_alterPoints’) &&…[Read more]-
Cool I added that to my blog for future reference and credited you. Thanks 🙂
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