Active 1 year ago
ericreynolds007 posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago
@r-a-y Hi Ray, I hope you’re doing well. I need your consultation services. Let me know if you can help me redevelop a Buddypress function. Basically, I have been working on a BP site for my son’s school. They asked to disable the friends component, so I did. In doing so, when members try to compose a private message from their profile page, and…[Read more]
Hi Eric,
I wrote a forum post about this:
If you need help setting this up, feel free to contact me at:
Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it. It works, but now Boones’ Invite Anyone plugin doesn’t autoformat. 🙁
Sorry, I meant autocomplete during the send group invites process. Do I have to revise his php to mesh with your fix?
Hi Eric,
Just sent you an email about this.
Just in case you didn’t get it, use this code: