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About Me

Houston Hypnosis Center was founded in 1993 by Joshua E. Syna M.A., L.C.D.C., C.Ht. Since that time he has helped over 15,000 people through hypnosis to stop smoking. The smoking cessation program has helped thousands of people to stop smoking with 90% stopping with just one session.
He also has a comprehensive program for weight loss hypnosis that enables people to lose weight without diet or pills. The weight loss program changes your mindset about food, and helps break the association between stress, emotions, boredom, and eating food. It also helps to change your body image and self-image, and build self-confidence.
Hypnosis can also be used to eliminate anxiety, stress, and phobias. Most clients can eliminate the unwanted emotional or physiological response with just one session.
Insomnia and other sleep problems can be overcome through hypnosis, and the underlying cause of the problem can be resolved and the person is able to return back to a normal pattern of sleeping. Even if a person has had trouble going to sleep or staying asleep for many years, usually the problem can be overcome in three to five sessions.
Many men and women have been able to eliminate sexual problems through hypnosis including erectile dysfunction, and frigidity, and most clients report that the hypnosis process makes sex more enjoyable, fulfilling and satisfying.
The Houston Hypnosis Center in located in the Houston Heights, and offers a free no-obligation phone consultation. You can visit our Yelp page for more information about hypnosis and to contact us.
hypnosis houston

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