TotsBabyShop replied to the topic Buddypress Tabs Not Functioning in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 2 years, 12 months ago
Is there sonmeone I can talk to about Buddypress? I am adding a social media network to my website. This is a business website and so I want to take a yearly subscription for the network. However, I cannot install and test buddypress as ir is not working on my site. I am unwilling to take a subscription until I see how buddypress looks and behaves.
TotsBabyShop started the topic Buddypress Tabs Not Functioning in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 2 years, 12 months ago
Hi, I just installed buddypress. When I click on any of the tabs [components, options, pages, credits] nothing happens, page refreshes but the tab doesn’t open.
Any help with this is appreciated.
With thanks, Geraldine
TotsBabyShop replied to the topic Tabs not working in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 3 years ago
Hi, i have tried everything but am unable to fix the problem. Thanks
TotsBabyShop replied to the topic Tabs not working in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 3 years ago
Hi Wackao, thank you so much for your reply. Please see PHP information below;
PHP version 7.4.26 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI litespeed
PHP max input variables 1000
PHP time limit 300
PHP memory limit 512M
Max input time -1
Upload max filesize 80M
PHP post max size 80M -
TotsBabyShop started the topic Tabs not working in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 3 years ago
Hi, I just installed buddypress. When I click on any of the tabs [components, options, pages, credits] nothing happens, page refreshes but the tab doesn’t open.
Any help with this is appreciated.
With thanks, Geraldine
TotsBabyShop replied to the topic Adding Buddypress to existing website in the forum Miscellaneous 3 years ago
Thank you so much for your help @victormig, I relly appreciate it and will follow your advice.
🙂 with regards, Geraldine
TotsBabyShop started the topic Adding Buddypress to existing website in the forum Miscellaneous 3 years ago
Hi, I have a website and I want to add a social network to it for my users. I don’t want to turn my existing website into a social network, what I want is to have a page/section in my existing website with Buddypress.
Is this possible?
With thanks, Geraldine
Active 2 years, 11 months ago