fellowchirps posted an update 14 years, 2 months ago
@imath Dear Imath,
Many thanks for your advice.
I have installed tdo mini forms, but seems like nothing happens.Do I have to activate network for WordPress (multisite) when I install tdo mini forms?
Really appreciate your helps and advice.
Many thanks
fellowchirps started the forum topic bbPress in BuddyPress in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Fellas, I installed bbPress with Buddypress because I want to have forum for my Buddypress. The Forum is there but when I post a new topic, it shows only this ‘Sorry, there were no forum topics found.’ Then I go to dashboard, forum settings, it says that bbpress is already installed, and this note […]
fellowchirps joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 14 years, 2 months ago
fellowchirps posted a new activity comment 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Imath,
Right now in my website, there is a new tab called ‘Product Page’ (just noticed). But when I go to this tab, I got this error message
‘Products Page
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/fellowch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-my-home/bp-my-home.php on line 119’
Please kindly advice, how can fix this…[Read more]
hi Danny, the fix is available here : https://buddypress.org/community/groups/bp-my-home/forum/topic/error/#post-83037
Or if you can wait til sunday, i’ll do an upgrade of BP My Home to fix this warning message.
fellowchirps posted a new activity comment 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Imath,
Have tried that and success . Many thanks Imath. You’re the man
Can I ask you something?
In my website http://www.fellowchirps.com, I want that all my members can write a blog.
Until now, I haven’t figured out how to add a blog page in my websiteCan your BP My Home add a blog page ?
Please kindly advice.
Many thanks in advance for…[Read more]
I’m sorry BP My Home cannot add a blog.
To let users add posts on a main blog, you should look for tdo mini forms or other form plugins that let users contribute from the front end.
To let users create their own blogs, you need to make sure you’re WordPress has the network activated : https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network
fellowchirps posted an update 14 years, 2 months ago
@imath Dear Imath,
How do you do? My name is Danny and I have installed your plugins BP MyHome.
I hope you will be patient with me since I am a newbie.My questions are :
1. Is My Home tab (under My Home, there are My widgets and My Settings) there because I install BP My Home plugins
2. If yes, could you please help me? I got this error…[Read more]-
Hello @fellowchirps,
1. Yes : it’s the goal of the plugin. Adding a nav button in siteurl/members/username and under this nav button, 2 subnav button one that dispays the widget activated by the admin and the second to choose the widget the user want to keep.
2. Once BP My Home installed, you need to go to WordPress backend in the BuddyPress…[Read more]
Dear Imath,
Have tried that and success . Many thanks Imath. You’re the man
Can I ask you something?
In my website http://www.fellowchirps.com, I want that all my members can write a blog.
Until now, I haven’t figured out how to add a blog page in my websiteCan your BP My Home add a blog page ?
Please kindly advice.
Many thanks in advance for…[Read more]
I’m sorry BP My Home cannot add a blog.
To let users add posts on a main blog, you should look for tdo mini forms or other form plugins that let users contribute from the front end.
To let users create their own blogs, you need to make sure you’re WordPress has the network activated : https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network
Dear Imath,
Right now in my website, there is a new tab called ‘Product Page’ (just noticed). But when I go to this tab, I got this error message
‘Products Page
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/fellowch/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-my-home/bp-my-home.php on line 119’
Please kindly advice, how can fix this…[Read more]
hi Danny, the fix is available here : https://buddypress.org/community/groups/bp-my-home/forum/topic/error/#post-83037
Or if you can wait til sunday, i’ll do an upgrade of BP My Home to fix this warning message.
fellowchirps started the forum topic Erorr Message under My Home Tab in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Fellas, I am a newbie in web sites building I get this error message under My Home tab. ‘Admin forgot to activate at least 1 widget, if i were you i would contact him to make him move ! ‘ I really don’t know what widget that I forget to activate. Can you please […]
fellowchirps joined the group Creating & Extending 14 years, 2 months ago
Not recently active
Once TDO Mini forms installed, you need to create a new form and add his shortcode to a page. As you choose TDO mini forms no need to activate the network. Maybe you can find help on this website : http://www.wpeve.com/tutorial/how-to-build-classified-ads-site-using-wordpress-and-tdo-mini-forms/68/