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About Me

Smart Drugs or Nootropics are brain stimulating drugs which assist in the functioning of the brain to its maximum. Students who require focusing for long hours to study for exams, and other professionals who need to go the extra mile in working on something important, sometimes require brain stimulants to keep them going for longer. This allows the people taking brain enhancers to be alert and to keep the required level of focus on their work. Smart drugs are those used to improve human performance and to boost the brain power which allows them to think more clearly and accurately. Smart pills do not work like the way caffeine does. These drugs directly affect the nervous system and enhance the level of brain performance which caffeine does not do. It usually takes fifteen minutes for a brain medicine to work its magic.

However, some people may be of the opinion that these brain enhancers are unhealthy for their users. The temporary effect and excessive need to take it makes the pill a controversial one.

What are Smart Drug Nootropics

Nootropics are pharmaceutical compounds used to enhance cognitive function and were first discovered in the 1960s. There is extensive research behind many nootropics showing they enhance many key areas of cognitive learning. The spectrum of nootropics is very broad so we’ll only cover those with the most research behind them and those which have shown significant improvements in cognitive ability. As well as improvements in healthy individuals, there has been extensive research with nootropics used for relieving symptoms of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Nootropics help protect the brain and the central nervous system from damage

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