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  • @fidelleon


    “Solution” told here works fine but requires modifying core:

    The BP Registration Options plugin forces in some way to send the emails using content_plaintext instead of content_html:

    $must_use_wpmail = apply_filters( ‘bp_email_use_wp_mail’, $wp_html_emails || ! $is_default_wpmail );

    It gets set to true so:

    if ( $must_use_wpmail ) {

    $email->get( ‘content_plaintext’, ‘replace-tokens’ )

    If you visit the “Manage Signups” and send an email to the user (reminding to activate their accout), the mail is 100% HTML w/o touching anything…



    … and I’ve been able to remove “Easy WP SMTP” since the machine actually had a local SMTP server. But still text-only.



    From what I see, “something” is using post_excerpt instead of post_content but can’t find the code which decides which one to choose…



    Many thanks for looking at it, Paul 🙂



    Hi Paul,

    I can’t find such mu-plugins folder but after adding the one-liner from your Gist to my functions.php file, I have tried a fake registration and the “user” has received the activation mail, using the new v2.5 format 🙂



    On premises, private web server (Debian+Nginx in a OpenStack instance); email by Google for Education (using Easy WP SMTP plugin).




    I agree having more betatesters would be fine but sometimes it’s difficult when you just manage only one Buddypress site.

    I’m having the same problem, the activation mail is not being sent since I updated. I have activated full debug mode (E_ALL and Display_errors) but nothing shows in the error log.

    Besides, I had overriden the normal activation mail in my child’s theme’ functions.php. After it stopped working I did a grep and saw the function I was trying to use was in the v2.5 deprecated list, so I commented out all the overriding code.

    I’m using the Easy WP SMTP plugin, the sender mails are good ones both in the plugin and the main WordPress configuration, and it can receive mails.

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