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  • Thank you so much. The files are ok now. but still couldn’t fix the sidebar and the background color.

    Sorry , I did forget the first line for the page.php which is:


    Apparently, can’t display those two files here.
    Don’t know what to do. Any idea?

    Sorry, I have to re-post the two files. The content was too long.

    1- page.php (Child theme)

    [page content]

    2- BP Activity/index.php

    [page content]

    Thank you again for your help.

    Thank you so much.

    Here are those two files:

    1-Page.php (child theme)


    <div class="post" id="post-“>

    “alignleft post_thumbnail”)); } ?>
    <?php the_content('

    Read the rest of this page ยป

    ‘); ?>

    Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ‘

    ‘, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>

    <?php edit_post_link('Edit this entry.', '

    ‘, ‘

    ‘); ?>


    2- BP Activity/index.php


    • <a href="” title=””>
    • <a href="” title=””>
    • <a href="” title=””>
    • <a href="” title=””><?php printf( __( 'My Favorites (%s)’, ‘buddypress’ ), bp_get_total_favorite_count_for_user( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ) ?>
    • <a href="” title=””>


    Still couldn’t properly match elements to the BP. hnla, since you do know how to fix it, can you help me with that? I will pay.
    Thank you.

    am I looking in the right folder for the “activity folder for bp” ?


    nit3watch and hnla thank you both for your help.

    hnla. I am a newbie. I understand that I will have to modify some of the templates to match the theme’s HTML structure.

    Where should I go exactly to make those changes. Could you please guide me by explaining step by step which template or file I should open to make the change?


    No. The sidebar should be on the right side and the page should be white . the home page is ok. Activity, forums, group, members and register are not. Any idea on how I could fix them?


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