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  • @galador


    Yes so I got it to work, it just decided to randomly work when I showed my husband why I was so angry haha

    I turned off every plugin, and went into jetpack debugging and turned it off completely and then swapped the theme back to 17, once I did that it saved. I was able to re-add all my other plugins and themes and they continued to work after that. Hopefully this helps anyone else with this problem. I dont know why it worked that time but it did.



    That’s true, I also run a buddypress website that users being able to preview it, in anyway… seriously helps.
    If a user can’t see any activity or can’t see what the site generally looks like even with screenshots they won’t sign up. Think of all the “sign-up-we-aren’t-a-scam” sites that are out there. That’s their biggest point, not letting you actually see what you are doing. So people will generally avoid them like the plague.

    If you want any ideas for a social website. Check out mine.

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