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  • @geistschatten


    Once again you’ve saved my life! That worked perfectly after it was named correctly. There really should be central language requirements for all plugins, themes, etc. I’ve set up dozens of WordPress sites and never ran into as much of an issue as this. Thank you for teaching me not just answering 😀



    Thank you! That worked perfect and now I see my translated terms. I tried the same process for BP Poke and it didn’t seem to work (even renamed the translation files to and dropped them in the languages/plugins folder). Oh well though, not as important as the main change. I’m a happy camper, so to speak… 🙂



    I called it a tutorial, I just meant this page:

    I’ve removed the bp-custom.php file entirely.

    Thank you for the list of where to put the translation files and the tip about poEdit! I installed poEdit, opened my edited .pot file, exported the .po and .mo files, uploaded them to the appropriate directories and changed to the language in wp-config to “en_US” while naming the files buddypress-en_US.po and

    Still no translations showing up (even after several refreshes and Ctrl+F5), but I did discover a couple errors with my file while editing it. Something about duplicate definitions, which I fixed.

    Again, all I’m trying to do is change friends, friendships, friend requests, etc. to something else. A simple translation for only BuddyPress seemed to be the easiest way to do that.



    So I got it to work when I put this after line 287:

    add_filter('bp_get_activity_action', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_get_activity_content_body', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_get_the_topic_title', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_activity_comment_content', 'pccf_filter');

    I’m not really one for PHP though, so I’m not sure if that works entirely fine. I was able to filter the comments with that code too.

    Basically you’re adding it to the plugin filters so that it thinks it should also filter through the comments and activity.

    For further reference, line 284 should start like this and then end where it says “//bbPress specific filtering…” (make sure the apostrophes are showing up right, if you copy and paste code sometimes they get messed up but look the same, that’s why the comments weren’t happening before):

    	if ( isset( $tmp['chk_post_content'] ) ) {
    		if ( $tmp['chk_post_content'] == '1' ) {
    			add_filter( 'the_content', 'pccf_filter' );
    			add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'pccf_filter' );
    add_filter('bp_get_activity_action', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_get_activity_content_body', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_get_the_topic_title', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'pccf_filter');
    add_filter('bp_activity_comment_content', 'pccf_filter');



    One more question:
    3) I also noticed that when a new reply is posted, the chat window doesn’t scroll to the reply, so you have to scroll down every time. That’s more of a nuisance than anything, but I read somewhere you can add some jQuery code to a field like that to help it auto-scroll?



    Seems to have helped here too! Just having a few of my members test it out. You leave the code in place permanently, correct?



    I found the quick solution! I clicked Appearance > Theme Options in the WP dashboard, there was a little tip that talks about the new WP admin bar. So I added `define(‘BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR’, false);` to my wp-config.php file right above “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” and it worked perfect!

    Personally I was disappointed in the absence of a quick option to just go back to the BuddyBar, the new WP admin bar just didn’t appeal to me. Happy BuddyPressing! =)

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