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I also tried this, but it isn’t working either
function mmAddLocationCategory($content, $activity_id) { $activities = bp_activity_get_specific('activity_ids=' . $activity_id); $activity = $activities['activities'][0]; if ($activity->type){ switch($activity->type){ case "bbp_topic_create": $content = $content . "<p class='activity-action'>" . $activity->action . "</p>"; break; case "updated_profile": $content = $content . '<div class="activity-inner"> <a href="' . bp_activity_user_link() . '">"' . $activity->display_name . '</a>   updated profile details.</div>'; break; case "joined_group": $content = $content . '<div class="activity-inner"> <p class="activity-action">' . $activity->action . '</p> </div>'; break; default: $content = $content . "<div class='activity-inner'>" . $activity->action . "</div>"; break; } } return $content; } add_action( 'bp_activity_posted_update', 'mmAddLocationCategory', 10, 3 );
Is there another way to change the activity cards? for example, modify the information in the activity header?
Exactly, I tried it and everything worked perfect
So that isn’t the problem because all the other changes in that file work perfectly. Maybe is this a problem in the theme?
Can someone help me with this issue? I have no idea what is happening
I tried changing to a WP theme and everything worked fine.
In this case, the parent theme does contain BP templates and I modified those files but is possible that everything else changes without any issue and only the comment button fails if the files aren’t in the right child theme folders for BP?Thanks @vapvarun, but I honestly can’t see the relation. Please could you explain me a little bit more this function?