Good in Today replied to the topic how would I disable / remove the animate from the activity textarea? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 10 years ago
I’ve resolved this myself. My not working code…
$(‘#whats-new’).focus(function(){ $(‘#whats-new-options’).stop(true); $(‘form#whats-new-form textarea’).unbind(‘focus’); console.log(‘focus’); });
$(‘#whats-new’).blur(function(){ $(‘#whats-new-options’).stop(true); $(‘form#whats-new-form textarea’).unbind(‘blur’); console.log(‘blur’); });(I…[Read more]
Good in Today started the topic how would I disable / remove the animate from the activity textarea? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 10 years ago
Okay, specific question… In the global.js for BuddyPress we find…
`/* Textarea focus */
jq(‘#whats-new’).focus( function(){
jq(“form#whats-new-form textarea”).animate({
jq(“#aw-whats-new-submit”).prop(“disabled”, false);var $whats_new_form =…[Read more]
Good in Today replied to the topic Another Custom Post Type in Activity Stream in the forum Showcase 11 years ago
It’s okay. I looked at your site and sort of answered my question myself. You’re using Gravity Forms, that’s how you’re allowing your users to post via the custom post types. That’s all I wanted to know. Thanks for your help anyway.
Good in Today replied to the topic Another Custom Post Type in Activity Stream in the forum Showcase 11 years ago
Activity Updates. You know where they can post updates. You have three, the default, the events, and business. At least according to this code.
Good in Today replied to the topic Another Custom Post Type in Activity Stream in the forum Showcase 11 years ago
Sorry, got sidetracked… Go me! LoL
Anyway, the second part of my question was / is in reference too exactly what you just said… You’ve stated that ‘When a post of the types I have specified in my array is created’… My question is in reference to this statement. How are your users, on the Activity Feed, selecting to POST in the specified…[Read more]
Good in Today replied to the topic Another Custom Post Type in Activity Stream in the forum Showcase 11 years ago
@ewebber you put this code into what? bp-custom.php? and how are you posting with the custom post types? I mean how are they implemented when a user submits a post to your activity feed?
Andrew Parris replied to the forum topic ajaxurl and autocomplete in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
As a last ditch effort to determine the problem I left all of my plugins and scripts in place, switched the theme I’m using to the default BuddyPress theme, and behold it works! So I now have a post on the Aquoid […]
Andrew Parris started the forum topic ajaxurl and autocomplete in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
I’ve two specific problems and I’m not certain that they are related.
Firstly and MOST importantly… Autocomplete is not functioning on my site. I go to type up a message and press ‘A’ and nothing happens […]
Andrew Parris started the forum topic Welcome Pack first time user login redirect. in the group Welcome Pack 13 years ago
I tried this tonight and Jetpack comes up with some fatal error about the user not having authorization to access that directory or something. Looks bad and causes the user to have to reload the screen, […]
Andrew Parris joined the group Welcome Pack 13 years ago
Andrew Parris started the forum topic apply_filters with redirect_to question in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
In this code…
?php is_user_logged_in() ? _e( ‘You cannot reply to this topic.’, ‘bbpress’ ) : _e( ‘Want to join the conversation? Join or ‘.__(‘Login’, ‘suffusion’).’‘ ); ?
the […]
Andrew Parris replied to the forum topic Sign in redirect in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
I’ve come up with this line of code…
/ *?php is_user_logged_in() ? _e( ‘You cannot reply to this topic.’, ‘bbpress’ ) : _e( ‘Want to join the conversation? Join or ‘.__(‘Login’, ‘suffusion’).’‘ […]
Andrew Parris started the forum topic Sign in redirect in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
Okay, I find it rather hard to believe that I’m the first to ask this question but I did search it for the last few hours online and have not come up with a viable answer so I must word things badly or something. […]
Andrew Parris joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years ago
Good in Today posted an update 13 years ago
@DJPaul @DJPaul Could you tell me what to place in this path for USERNAME to output the users name, please?
I’m using your Welcome Pack Plugin and it wants to know where I want to redirect the new first time user too and that is where only I do not know what to put in place of USERNAME to make…[Read more]
Andrew Parris started the forum topic Putting users name inline in a URL path? in the group Third Party Components & Plugins 13 years ago
As an example, I’m using Welcome Pack and it allows for redirecting first time users to a specific URL. I wish to send the user to their in-site e-mail. How do I add the username into the URL? […]
Andrew Parris joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 13 years ago
Active 10 years, 4 months ago