Well there’s some great news. I can do it. It’s a very long and involved process but I can do it.
Thanks for the help Sharma. Here is the plugin I’m using/found that will accept a CSV (comma and quotes delimited) and write to a specific table within the database.
There is a lot more information on how I accomplished this but I can not document it all here right now. I will follow up with a video walk through as it is involved as I stated above.
Thank you for your Help @sharmavishal. Funny thing – I read that post before starting this topic.
Your link is to a solution with phpMyAdmin…
So I take it there’s no way around that and there is absolutely no plug in. I will export the tables in MyAdmin and then restructure my data according to that. And I’ll cross my fingers.
Hello @mairaj
I’m having quite a time trying to find the solution for importing the user’s data (specifically Buddypress extended data) and it looks like you had some success. Would you mind walking me through your process?
Also, I had similar problems logging into the dashboard after a user import – turns out my earlier attempt reset the “regsistered” COL and password. I figured it out in phpMyAdmin.