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has anyone transformed this to buddypress xprofiles?
so that for instance specific tags/html is allowed on profile pages?
this would be really handy.
did you find a solution?
remove_filter( ‘xprofile_get_field_data’, ‘wp_filter_kses’, 1 );
work for you?
great, thank you jjj
I also noticed that the filter by alphabetical order seems not to work as members listed appear in apparently random order.
If you need any testers, let me know. this is going to do what I need I think.
I think what I need is more or less
and I am confident this is progressing soon or later.
I have modified the original bp-filter to show checkboxes now (the “to-do” part)
it is really a bit quirky for now, but does its basic job.
sometimes the output shows false results, but so far it is looking good.
I am not a php programmer, so the modified code may be entirely buggy:
I found it…
line 369: // TODO: This
I would happily help out or donate towards development of this part, anyone to reply?
I think I narrowed the problem down:
the output seems to go bust when there are more than one results.
I can query the members for different profile fields, but as soon as there are more than one hit, the function halts (cut off in html when viewing source).
with error reporting on it shows: (sorry for breaking the lines)
Notice: Undefined variable: field_filter_last_users in
/var/www/vhosts/ on line 150
Notice: Undefined variable: temp_array in
/var/www/vhosts/ on line 170
Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in
/var/www/vhosts/ on line 174the fatal line is:
// Remove duplicate user_id's<br />
$temp_array = array_unique( $temp_array );any clues or tipps?
YAY!! uncommenting that line fixes it!!
… but still… the selectbox issue remains, no select boxes for me with this release!
in bp-filter.php there is a line commented out in regards to selectboxes. when “activating” it,
it returns:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_filter_the_profile_field_options() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 257
– this function is not added yet, correctly?
now the problem is: dropdown boxes work, but when saving profiles the data is not saved when using dropdown boxes (I have to use selectboxes there). when using selectboxes with this filter, the selectboxes are not displayed!
anything I am missing?
I have still not been able to get it working correctly. I am working on a non-profit project to display different members based on different custom profile values, but till now to no success ;(
can anyone help me out or give me a pointer?
I think this is pretty much the right plugin for the purpose.
seems like I don’t get it to work as I wanted it:
I am trying to display members on the /members/ directory by means of the ?s=
search and trying to select more than one term.
For instance:
would return all people that have a custom profile field of “Team” – this works. great!
but I would like to have
to show all people that have the custom profile field “Team” and “Red”.
any pointers?
This is doing my head in for days
hello there DJPaul,
thanks for your reply.
so there is a lot of custom code hacking involved?
do you happen to have any pointers?
where can I find the code concerned (in the core?) ?
thanks again!
sorry to bump this up,
but I need the same as the initial OP,
I would also be able to pay up to $50 for a solution that would allow searching by different search terms.
this is awesome,
many thanks james!
however it does not work for checkboxes (for me),
I think this is because of the code from the bp-filter.php
<?php case 'checkbox' : ?><br />
<div class="checkbox"><br />
<span class="label"><?php _e( bp_get_the_profile_field_name(), BP_FILTER_TEXTDOMAIN ) ?></span><br />
<?php //bp_filter_the_profile_field_options() ?><br />
</div><br />
<?php break; ?>any fixes for that?
when I delete the // the page halts (error).
many thanks!
Peterverkooijen, thanks for the unserialize bit, I could really use that for my xprofile value problem.
or maybe something with unserialize&stripslashes?
I found this in reference to the code mentioned above:
* xprofile_format_profile_field()<br />
955 *<br />
956 * Formats a profile field according to its type. [ TODO: Should really be moved to filters ]<br />
957 *<br />
958 * @package BuddyPress Core<br />
959 * @param $field_type The type of field: datebox, selectbox, textbox etc<br />
960 * @param $field_value The actual value<br />
961 * @uses bp_format_time() Formats a time value based on the WordPress date format setting<br />
962 * @return $field_value The formatted value<br />
963 */<br />
964 function xprofile_format_profile_field( $field_type, $field_value ) {<br />
965 if ( !isset($field_value) || empty( $field_value ) )<br />
966 return false;<br />
967<br />
968 $field_value = bp_unserialize_profile_field( $field_value );<br />
969<br />
970 if ( 'datebox' == $field_type ) {<br />
971 $field_value = bp_format_time( $field_value, true );<br />
972 } else {<br />
973 $content = $field_value;<br />
974 $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);<br />
975 $field_value = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content);<br />
976 }<br />
977<br />
978 return stripslashes( stripslashes( $field_value ) );<br />
979 }and this
function bp_unserialize_profile_field( $value ) {
522 if ( is_serialized($value) ) {
523 $field_value = maybe_unserialize($value);
524 $field_value = implode( ', ', $field_value );
525 return $field_value;
526 }
528 return $value;
529 }
This works great on single field entries, but for checkboxes it outputs stuff like
a:3:{i:0;s:19:”Beschaffung/Einkauf”;i:1;s:26:”Marketing & -kommunikation”;i:2;s:20:”Strategie/Innovation”;}
where as in the sidebar (random member) it comes through just fine.
How can I fix this?
the random profile data function does some magic like this:
function bp_the_site_member_random_profile_data() {
1138 global $site_members_template;
1140 if ( function_exists( 'xprofile_get_random_profile_data' ) ) { ?>
1141 <?php $random_data = xprofile_get_random_profile_data( $site_members_template->member->id, true ); ?>
1142 <?php echo wp_filter_kses( $random_data[0]->name ) ?>
1143 <?php echo wp_filter_kses( $random_data[0]->value ) ?>
1144 <?php }
1145 }
How can I apply that to James’ code above to fix the output?
this works perfectly, thank you!
any solution to this, would be interested to find out how to display specific profile information. cheers
curious if you found a solution, bump :o)
+1 on this
got the same issue.
is there anything I can try?