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  • @helpfulnerd


    @mercime just want to say thanks for posting this fix.

    I totally forgot about the bp-config file after moving a site recently. Was hitting my head against the wall.

    Not any more thanks to a Google Search and your advice.




    Hi everyone,

    I’m currently working on a project and my client wants only the admins to be able to create groups, so I set that option in the BuddyPress admin area, easy peasy. But, the Create A Group button still appears on the front end. For now I am simply looking for a way to hide that button, and I’ve added the CSS @Mike Pratt suggested but the button remains. Any ideas?

    What would be really cool (not that I have a clue how to do this) would be:

    1.) BP functionality that automagically removes the Create A Group button when you select that only admins can create groups, that would be ideal.
    2.) A way to change the URL of the Create A Group button for the members level, so you could create a Request A Group page with a form that a member can fill out requesting a group. That is what I’d like to do, but I’m at a loss for where to start in the code, and I’m not much of a PHP dev.

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