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  • @hiboy


    @mercime , hi ,thanks again for your reply, yes, i also dont know why,
    is it possible to hardcode ,remove the option at the create group page?

    cause if user dont tick Yes, I want this group to have a forum, there will be no forum tab appear in each single group.



    @mercime Thank you for replying again

    Settings > forums , i only got the following option , no buddypress

    Main Settings

    Main forum settings for enabling features and setting time limits
    Disallow editing after minutes
    Throttle posting every seconds
    Revisions Allow topic and reply revision logging
    Favorites Allow users to mark topics as favorites
    Subscriptions Allow users to subscribe to topics
    Topic tags Allow topics to have tags
    Anonymous posting Allow guest users without accounts to create topics and replies
    Default user role
    Auto role Automatically assign default role to new, registered users upon visiting the site.
    Fancy editor Use the fancy WordPress editor to create and edit topics and replies
    Auto-embed links Embed media (YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, etc…) directly into topics and replies
    Per Page

    How many topics and replies to show per page
    Topics per page
    Replies per page
    Per RSS Page

    How many topics and replies to show per RSS page
    Topics per page
    Replies per page
    Archive Slugs

    Custom root slugs to prefix your forums and topics with. These can be partnered with WordPress pages to allow more flexibility.
    Forums base
    Topics base
    Single Slugs

    Custom slugs for single forums, topics, replies, tags, users, and views here. If you change these, existing permalinks will also change.
    Forum Prefix Prefix your forum area with the Forum Base slug (Recommended)
    Forum slug
    Topic slug
    Topic tag slug
    Reply slug
    User slug
    Topic view slug
    Search slug

    Sorry i couldnt upload images



    @mercime Thank you thank you of replying me , yes is a typo,
    my wordpress is 3.5.1
    bp is 1.7.1

    I would like to remove the option 3. Forum, cause i also have bbpress installed, i want user to use 1 forum as global, secondly it also causing a issue, when they create a group forum , the thread is shown in bbpress forum too.

    I think to remove this is edit through buddypress plugin, but i unsure how.



    pls help me out, my intention was to remove the 3rd option when creating a new group – 3. Forum



    Hi bb-help, thanks again for your reply, really appreciate it, as i am abit panick.
    here the full story,

    i started off with a buddypress theme and buddypress, I do my development from there to fit my needs, and i install plugin and about to done with my site after several weeks. Well the buddypress folder was renamed to buddypress2 when i first started developing on this site. everything all fine and working well. I then install this plugin =, and then error start appear at the top of my backend and frontend, so i immediately rename this folder in ftp, it got deactivated, but error still shown, then i delete this plugin, error still shown, then i deactivate buddypress, error still shown, deleted buddypress, error still shown, and i also replace functions.php in my wp-includes, and here where i stop. the error was still there.



    hi again, yes , but footer.php if i put the ads code ,it will appear in all pages, which the layout is different from my buddypress theme. I only left with showing ads at the footer of single member and group page.



    I think the error mean it is searching for buddypress, without it,the error is shown, how to solve it?



    Hi bb-help, we meet again,

    I uninstall this plugin and buddypress but the error is still shown at the top, any solution?



    hi hi bb-help,
    thanks for your reply

    I am using a different theme, and i am implementing with coding, but i do not know which files to edit to affect the footer of buddypress, like for the header there is member-header.php and group-header.php file



    Hi, thanks so much for your reply.

    Unfortunately my site is on localhost. As above, I tried my best to describe the issue.
    Oh i see, i am still deciding and trying out each different buddypress theme.

    for example –
    the menu of the activity,profile,site1 till forum, if i install plugin that add menu item, the menu item break into second row and overlap the first row abit.
    Any solution?









    hi , i still facing this issue and need help.
    All i did was a fresh install of my wordpress and theme and only buddypress.
    set wordpress permanent setting to /%postname%/, for the buddypress permanent setting i did not touch it.
    other than that ,
    all working , except when click on your profile name in the buddypress member page, it show a page not found.
    Any solution?




    Hi, change to default theme and the page still not found.

    “What’s installed at domain root ?” meaning?
    I just did a fresh install of my wordpress and theme and only buddypress.

    I realise this, do u think this is causing the problem?
    when i point to my name in the member page, the link show Lee/
    but when i click on my name , it lead to ,without the space, tried typing manually with the space between the name, it still lead to, and page not found.
    Any solution?

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