hkcharlie replied to the topic New Group Management "built in" in the forum Requests & Feedback 12 years ago
Buddypress is fine, it’s everything else we have plugged into it that I worry about.
hkcharlie replied to the topic New Group Management "built in" in the forum Requests & Feedback 12 years ago
Also changing admins, mods and kicking people from the group etc. doesn’t really work very well in it’s new form. I’ve re-installed the Group management plugin for the moment.
I know 1.8 is on the way (which is half the reason I wanted to mention it) and I’m really looking forward to it as it sounds like quite a few a leaps. But as usual,…[Read more]
hkcharlie started the topic New Group Management "built in" in the forum Requests & Feedback 12 years ago
All very nice, but the method for adding members to a group from the admin dashboard doesn’t work very well and the old method of simply choosing them from a list was much more effective.
Anyone else think this ?
hkcharlie replied to the topic Delicious Snaps in the forum Showcase 12 years ago
what happened to this website ?
hkcharlie replied to the topic Does donation plugin exist for bp? in the forum Creating & Extending 12 years ago
did you find one ?
hkcharlie replied to the topic Buddypress phone app in the forum Creating & Extending 12 years ago
What kind of support ?
hkcharlie replied to the topic Buddypress phone app in the forum Creating & Extending 12 years ago
Do these work with BP1.7? They don’t say that they do.
hkcharlie posted an update in the group BuddyPress Sliding Login Panel 14 years ago
Wonderful plugin, works well with BPdefault theme, but when I switch to any other theme, it just doesn’t seem to wnt to appear anymore.
Does anyone else have this experience? -
hkcharlie joined the group BuddyPress Sliding Login Panel 14 years ago
hkcharlie posted on the forum topic Invite Anyone at the group setup stage in the group Invite Anyone 14 years ago
Really – I’ve been trying, I can’t work it out and it’s driving me mad.
Can someone help me hack this code out of the group setup process? -
hkcharlie started the forum topic Group forums in creation in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
oes anyone know how I can edit the group creation process so that forums is not checked as default?
hkcharlie started the forum topic removing the left column of bp-social in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
I am trying to remove the left column (or both is ok) of the bp-social theme for the group creation process. During the group creation process the file “create.php” is called, (to launch the create group form within the existing theme.) I want to change the theme to not use three columns during this process. […]
hkcharlie posted on the forum topic Invite Anyone at the group setup stage in the group Invite Anyone: 14 years ago
incidently, if I choose for members to be able to only invite friends, it also formats correctly in my theme, I have a a problem between the invite “Anyone” theme/layout/css (I don’t know and my theme, maybe?
hkcharlie posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Social Theme Groups Invitations Missing in the group Invite Anyone: 14 years ago
I have that theme and it seems to be working ok. Something else, another plugin?
hkcharlie posted on the forum topic Invite Anyone at the group setup stage in the group Invite Anyone: 14 years ago
You know what – if anyone could point me in the direction of where I could hack out the code for this plugin in the group setup process, it might just do for me. (I don’t really need this at the group setup point) I found a post of here about editing var $enable_create_step = […]
hkcharlie posted on the forum topic Invite Anyone at the group setup stage in the group Invite Anyone: 14 years ago
I’m sure there’s a clash with my theme, but there must be theme settings in the plugin as why would it work with one settings on and not with it off?
hkcharlie started the forum topic Invite Anyone at the group setup stage in the group Invite Anyone: 14 years ago
When I get to the invite anyone section of the group setup, it seems to jump half way down the screen for some reason. If I change the limit invitations option in settings (from Anyone to no one) then the section is perfectly formatted to fit with my theme. I need to have it set […]
hkcharlie joined the group Invite Anyone 14 years ago
hkcharlie joined the group Members List Plugin 14 years ago
hkcharlie posted on the forum topic Group Hierarchy Tree not working ! in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 14 years ago
I have 19 groups that show in the group list.
I set some up as groups within groups.
The Group tree just says “There were no groups found.”
(I just upgraded also) - Load More
Active 5 years, 1 month ago