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About Me

Affiliate marketer, SEO expert, high PPC keyword finding goddess, social media guru, domaining diva and blogger extraordinaire – DOMINATING INTERNET MARKETING SINCE 1996!

And now, artist as well! I’ve discovered I have a gift for capturing the spirit and personality of pets, and what started out as a hobby where I created pet portraits as gifts for some friends and family is quickly turning into a growing business. I’ve been so busy painting pet portraits on commission that I haven’t even had time to trick out my website yet! As I find it incredibly fulfilling to be able to help pet lovers honor the pet(s) they have lost and celebrate the ones they still have, my desire is to eventually transition into doing this full time.

Website URL

Current Location

Austin, TX

WordPress Origin Story

I first got involved with WordPress while journaling my own experience with learning how to blog back in 2004. My background is in Internet Marketing, having been doing SEO and Affiliate Marketing since 1996, and I was curious as to how Google would rank blogs in comparison to pages I created using Dreamweaver. The concept of having a CMS that automatically created the links within the site was very appealing. At the time, I was using TypePad as my blogging platform. However, the more that I learned about WordPress, the more eager I became to try it out.

The customizability of WordPress given all of the plugins and themes that are out there made it clear to me that I needed to move all of my content over to WP immediately (which I did).

And as for my findings regarding my original experiment, Google definitely loves WordPress sites, especially if you use pretty permalinks (none of this ?p=452 URL crap) and a plugin like Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin.

WordPress is now my go-to tool when creating ANY website.

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