12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks, JJJ.
Apparently, though, not if you drop the _bb… tables of the database 😛
It’s all good though. Had backup of db and imported tables again.
12 years, 3 months ago
Thanks; I figured out also that I could just use “#nav li a”.
Ah, now I see the checkbox at the end of reply form.
I will take a look at the menu and style questions more closely. Another person on the web committee is going to help.
For the search, I resolved this by removing the onclick I had added to the header (which made everything in the header div area link to the homepage).
For some reason I’m not being notified of buddypress.org replies in my email, will have to check out my settings.
Whoopie! Looks like that exactly did the trick… It seems there are no comparable lines in the default.css of bp-default, which could explain why I couldn’t find it. (Obviously don’t have enough ability with CSS to know what I’m doing… … )
Hey thanks, I couldn’t find this post any more (I think there’s a problem with my activity/forums/topics pages here on buddypress.org…