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  • Ingram_AV_98


    Cool, awesome, wicked.
    As with everything BuddyPress over the last four months I figured it out myself.

    If anybody cares or is intrigued, I pulled out the “signup_id” from the wp_signups table and created a link with that, of the form:

    	//== Setup variable for use in the activation email body.
    	$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
    	//== Get the signup_id for a user
    	global $wpdb;
    	$signup_id = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT signup_id FROM wp_signups WHERE user_login = '" . $user->user_login . "' LIMIT 1" );
    	$user_path = "users.php?page=bp-signups&signup_id=" . $signup_id . "&action=activate";
    	$activate_user = admin_url( $user_path );

    This link is a part of the filter for the activation email body, whilst the email itself was also filtered to be sent to the site admin instead of the user.

    If anybody is interested I’m happy to share the full solution which involved filtering the activation email recipient, email subject and email body, whilst giving the admin a link to activate the user and then sending a confirmation email to the user once they’ve been authorised.




    Did you have any luck with this?

    I believe I had a similar issue and I managed to unregister the default BP Login Widget, and register my own so I could customise it. My login widget was a duplicate of theirs with many elements swapped around, and some added html.

    I can paste my code if it helps, it turns out it was really simple.

    I should have put it in a plugin, but it’s all in the functions.php for now as I’m building a bespoke theme.

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