I’ve taken a look at the Register Page in the pages menu and can see that it does in fact permalink to “register” with a lower-case “r”.
It appears WordPress pretty permalinks aren’t case sensitive, so WordPress will take me to the Register page regardless of whether I visit /Register or /register. It seems BuddyPress only picks up the hook if the URLs are a case-sensitive match. This is why “/Register” is blank, but “/register” shows the BP content.
I just got confused because I had to test the register page from a different browser and manually entered the URL for the register page. Thanks for clearing that up!
Not sure if it’s really much of a deal, but is it worth me making a feature request for BuddyPress to use case-insensitive URL matching to match up with how WordPress does it?
It still doesn’t appear to be fixed for me. When I visit the page I see the default sidebar which twentysixteen shows on every page, but there’s no registration form. I’ve attached a screenshot of what I see when I visit