Jason Barr started the forum topic Importing multiple copies of tweets in the group Tweetstream: 14 years, 7 months ago
I had to disable importing tweets (by putting an indecipherable hash in the “bad” filter) because I had no way to know whether it was going to import one copy of each tweet or as many as eight.
Jason Barr posted on the forum topic New versions in the group Facestream: 14 years, 8 months ago
I’m having a similar issue. I can post TO Facebook, but not import FROM Facebook. Triple checked the API key, and at any rate I wouldn’t be able to post to Facebook if it was wrong. Even being able to post to Facebook is incredibly useful though. On the next update it would be awesome […]
Jason Barr started the forum topic The upgrade in the group Tweetstream: 14 years, 8 months ago
is MUCH improved over the previous version. However, I’m having one problem and would like to request one feature when you can get around to it. The feature I’d like to request is the ability to filter out posts that begin with @, but keep posts that have @ but begin with another character (e.g. […]
Jason Barr posted on the forum topic appears to be automatically resetting users in the group Tweetstream: 14 years, 8 months ago
I uninstalled and reinstalled it and it hasn’t happened since, so perhaps there was a code fragment somewhere that hung around after I upgraded. I have no idea, it doesn’t make any sense but it’s working better now.
Jason Barr started the forum topic appears to be automatically resetting users in the group Tweetstream: 14 years, 8 months ago
Hello, The plugin appears to be much improved on the latest release, but I’m having a major problem now. It seems to be resetting users automatically and forcing them to re-authorize with Twitter. Every time I authorize with my Twitter account it takes me back to the Tweetstream settings and it forces me to re-authorize […]
Jason Barr posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago
@apeatling is there any way to have the External Group Blogs plugin import the whole entry, rather than just a few lines? I love the plugin, but that would be an awesome tweak.
Jason Barr started the forum topic Import external feed into user profiles in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 9 months ago
Hello, I’m running BP on a WP single user installation, but would like to give users the option to import an RSS feed into their profile much like the External Group Blogs plugin. Has anyone done this or does anyone know of a hack that would allow for it? I’m kind of a php n00b, […]
Jason Barr joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years, 9 months ago
Jason Barr posted on the forum topic Error on Facestream profile setup in the group Facestream: 14 years, 9 months ago
Same here. Little help please?
Jason Barr joined the group Facestream 14 years, 9 months ago
Jason Barr started the forum topic Removing Links from header navigation in the group BuddyPress Links: 14 years, 9 months ago
Ok, so I’m a total n00b at this, but is there any way to get the Links link out of the header navigation links? Mine is getting cluttered and I need to make room for a couple of things that are more important.
Jason Barr joined the group BuddyPress Links 14 years, 9 months ago
Jason Barr started the forum topic More options for Twitter @reply posts? in the group Tweetstream: 14 years, 9 months ago
Hello, I like the plugin so far, it works well and is very flexible. I was wondering if it might be possible for an upcoming revision to nuance the option for @replies on Twitter so that one could have only tweets that BEGIN with @ to be excluded from importing. Many of my tweets are […]
Jason Barr joined the group Tweetstream 14 years, 9 months ago
Jason Barr posted a new activity comment 14 years, 9 months ago
[?php if (‘bp_forum_topic_mover_init’) do_action(‘bp_forum_after_the_topic_admin_links’); ?], replacing [] with proper markers.
Hi Jason! Thanks for this solution. It works. However, I find the placement of the dropdown is crowding my forum. Is there a way to move this somewhere else to lessen the crowded effect?
Jason Barr reviewed the plugin Buddypress Forum Topic Mover: 14 years, 9 months ago
It works very well, though I did have to make a minor tweak to the php syntax. I added instead of what’s in the readme file, taking out the (function_exists… ) bit. The version suggested in the readme file gave me a parsing error. Other than that, great work, IMO this is an essential function that should be incorporated into the BP core.
[?php if (‘bp_forum_topic_mover_init’) do_action(‘bp_forum_after_the_topic_admin_links’); ?], replacing [] with proper markers.
Hi Jason! Thanks for this solution. It works. However, I find the placement of the dropdown is crowding my forum. Is there a way to move this somewhere else to lessen the crowded effect?
Jason Barr joined the group Buddypress Forum Topic Mover 14 years, 9 months ago
Jason Barr posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago
@dwenaus I see you’ve made some changes to the WPMU Dev Group Calendar plugin. Would it be possible to send that my way? I have a port of BP-Events but it has a few problems, so I’m trying to see if I might be able either to find something better or cobble together one working plugin from the code base of two or three. I’m not so good at coding…[Read more]
Jason Barr reviewed the plugin Buddypress Auto Group Join: 14 years, 9 months ago
I’m sure it works great for WPMU, but it does NOT work for single user WP. This should be marked clearly on the plugin page. I guess I’m waiting for a BP update that works with WP 3.0 for this too.
Jason Barr joined the group Buddypress Auto Group Join 14 years, 9 months ago
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