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  • @jaymzwayne


    Perfect thank you very much good sir there’s not many plug-in developers that show this much care and respect to their users but he pressed has shown a great deal of respect to everyone keeping everyone properly informed and and always being very responsive shows a great deal of respect maybe at a later time I may be interested in going back to the 12 very but for now I need it to be back to the way it used to be until I can re-engineer all of my coding to catch up to the 12 version thank you again



    if it also helps to know the work around is i have youzify when i deactivate that then some of the problem goes away that is a plugin i paid for and it works great gives me alot of features that i dont want to loose when i have to mess with the themes side of things or buddypress i have to turn off youzify when done turn it back on is there a way i can go back to the 11 release of budddy press



    Thank you I’ve figured out what was causing that problem it’s actually the classic widgets it is having a conflict with one of my plugins when I deactivate classic widgets than that problem goes away with a customizer I’m still in working progress of trying to figure out which plug-in it’s having a problem and conflicting. Classic widgets is conflicting with the BP attachments I deactivated the BP attachments and the problem went away now everything’s fully functional at the moment



    I don’t know if this has anything to do with the new update but every time I tried to go to customize in the themes I can’t display the page correctly since the update I’ve done the classic install it seems like it’s not compatible with my themes is there a way to go back to the original WordPress






    For those having issues like i did with the ACTIVITY PAGE NOT LOADING..
    Heres what i did to recover it after i lost all of my content i forgot this 12 update was coming in and i had all of my plugins set for auto update. while i was moding my marketplace i thought i messed everything up and did a total complete fresh install of everything.. WRONGGG ANSWER GESSH MONTHS OF WORK LOSSED. MY FAULT. so here is the fix as they suggested to do go to plugins get the classic buddy press then activate it then go to settings on the left side of your dashboard then go to pages at the top click it and then go to the bottom and choose save it resolves your activity page not loading.
    What i saw was my site said there was a critical error! message and my site sent me this message to my emails about it. so i hope you read this first before you made the same huge mistake i made. Great job developers for making it clear that this was gonna take place it was my mistake i made not making a recent back up of my site and chose the wrong actions. lol keep up the great work..!!!!!

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