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  • @jazgold


    yeah, when i make little hacks, i definitely note them… and leave a comment with my name on that line so that i can just do a multi file search and quickly pull up all my edits.

    that being said, i try not to make them unless i have to.

    so yeah, just wanted to make sure this was noted in the forums if anyone toggles that privacy switch and gets scared about their activity feed “breaking.” i was scared i’d broken something irreparably (and needed to reinstall everything) before tracking down that tiny if clause.

    thanks for the response xevo



    hrm… was hoping someone would have a bright idea.

    so i guess i’m going with the 3rd solution – a separate table that holds relationships between categories/tags and cached activity items.

    it just means that the relevant records need to be updated every time a post’s tags are updated, or tags are deleted… etc.

    i wish i could split the content up by some built in differentiator, like which blog it’s in… but having a “family” blog distinct from a “business” blog won’t work i think, because some things need to be labeled/categorized, and exist in both places.

    kind of annoying




    andy, i think i might be missing something, or perhaps i didn’t explain myself well enough.

    let’s say Good-ol-granny makes two posts. the first post is filed under a category named “Fun,” and the second under “TimeWaster.” (Granny likes using categories)

    When I check out the activity list, I want to be able to filter it so that I only see the stuff categorized under “Fun.” when i activate this filter, i should see posts filed under “Fun,” such as grannie’s, as well as any comments people have made on her post… since they’re related to a “Fun” item.

    is that clearer? perhaps i’m missing something basic, but i can’t see how that’s possible with the built in params.

    and sorry my original post was so long:)




    just buy a bag of buns

    there are quite a few wordpress plugins for extending user profiles…

    i once used cimy extra user fields for a project, and it worked fine for my purposes. it looks like there are a bunch of options nowadays.



    this sounds great.

    unfortunately i must be doing something stupid.

    i renamed the .txt to .php and dropped it in my wp-admin dir (though i also tried the blog root). nothing seems to be happening. anything else i’m supposed to do?

    i thought perhaps i needed to specify which hooks to listen to, but can’t find where i’d do that within the script.

    any chance that it broke with BP 1.1.1 ?



    yeah, it seems strange to turn everything off.

    but i too have some things i didn’t want to appear in the interface for users – sometimes disabling leaves the button but returns a “you can’t create a new blog” message (for example).

    and it’s definitely not a bulletproof solution, but what i’m doing is just hiding those buttons, forms, etc. via CSS, or removing post-load with jquery calls. it’s true that with any developer plugins, they could turn off javascript or tweak the css, but that doesn’t bother me. if they find a way to get in there and post content that no one can see, sure it’ll get added to the database… but it’s kind of like the tree that fell in the forest that no one was there to hear. other things like the toolbar at the top you can remove via plugins.



    the other questions are not really that important right now.

    because, man,

    that is much, much sexier

    thanks DJPaul for pointing out it’s sitting right there in $wpdb




    I just noticed that at the bottom of the page, they actually give you a plugin to help with the additions:)





    cool, glad it helps…

    i imagine that any time someone isn’t logged in, they will all go to the same place… you don’t know if they’re returning and not logged in yet, or if they’ve never been to the site before and need extra info.

    so the splash page should be the login page, it seems.

    what if you just modified the login page to make it look like a more welcoming splash page?

    if you don’t want to put your own stuff directly into the core files, and i guess that’s a LAST, LAST resort, then you can add things to the login page using the related actions and filters. i’m going to have to do this in my next project actually, so thanks for asking:)

    here’s a tutorial that looks about right. looks kosher on first glance:)

    basically, you can use it to inject HTML, or load up some jquery or whatever you want, and then you can CSS the crap out of everything. if you’re having problems with the default wordpress CSS taking precedence, you can always use the !important CSS attribute.

    and i just noticed actually that the code above needs a small tweak. it was breaking the flash uploader for posts somehow. bad bad.

    so, i needed to add an if statement to the catch_anons function. replace the whole function with this one:

    function catch_anons(){
    if ( !is_admin() ){ // if it's the admin area, it already checks
    // ( and the following breaks the flash uploader )
    global $user_ID;

    $login_page = get_bloginfo('url') .'/wp-login.php';

    if ( '' == $user_ID && strrpos( curPageURL(), $login_page)===false ) {

    $redirect = "?redirect_to=" . urlencode(curPageURL());

    header( 'Location:' . $login_page . $redirect );

    cool. hope it works out for you.



    hmmm i’m a little late on this, but i wrote a basic plugin for myself to do this. basically anyone who comes to your buddypress site will be directed to the login page, if they’re not already logged in. if they log in successfully, they will be taken to whatever page they had been trying to access ( i.e. not simply the backend editing area, or the front page ). to use it just paste it into a .php file, put it in your plugin folder, and activate

    //  whenever a page is loaded, make sure the user is logged in
    function catch_anons(){
    	global $user_ID;
    		$login_page = get_bloginfo('url') .'/wp-login.php';
    			if ( '' == $user_ID && strrpos( curPageURL(), $login_page)===false ) {
    					$redirect = "?redirect_to=" . urlencode(curPageURL());
    				header( 'Location:' . $login_page . $redirect  );
    //once they log in,send them to their original destination
    function login(  ) {
    $first_stop = '/';       
    	//if there's no 'redirect_to' send them to "Home.php"
    	if ( $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] )
    		$first_stop =  $_REQUEST['redirect_to'];
    		header( 'Location:' . $first_stop );
    //build the current URL  wish i could say where i grabbed this, a long time ago...
    function curPageURL() {
    	$pageURL = 'http';
    	if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {	$pageURL .= "s";	}
    		$pageURL .= "<img src="smileys/irritated.gif" width="" height="" alt=":/" title=":/" class="bbcode_smiley" />/";
    	if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
    		$pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]. "<img src="smileys/irritated.gif" width="" height="" alt=":" title=":" class="bbcode_smiley" />" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
    	} else {
    return $pageURL;
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