Jay Collier commented on the post, BuddyPress 1.8 "Di Fara", on the site BuddyPress.org 11 years ago
Jay Collier started the topic Additional deep links in activity streams in the forum Creating & Extending 11 years ago
One thing that’s missing are deep links from the activity streams to the specific blog post and forum entry, so that people can navigate directly to the content of interest, rather than having to go to a topic and dig down.
I was using a solution from bp-tricks up until recently, but it doesn’t appear to be working after the most recent…[Read more]
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] Different "profile" pages for passwords and avatars in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
I didn’t know about that BP Components option. Perfect! All set.
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] Different "profile" pages for passwords and avatars in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
Thanks, Henry!
I need to provide support instructions, but that URL is relative to the member’s username, so I can’t send a generic link to people.
In what menu does that link appear?
Jay Collier started the topic [Resolved] Different "profile" pages for passwords and avatars in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
At the moment, there are two “Profile” pages for contributors in my BuddyPress install: one is the standard WordPress profile to change their passwords. The other is the BuddyPress profile page to change their avatar.
Is there a way of adding the password change function to the BuddyPress profile page?
It’s confusing to instruct users to go to…[Read more]
Jay Collier replied to the topic Error after submitting registration/profile fields form in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
Thank you for the diagnosis and recommendations.
I am using Responsive child theme with the default template. I’ve remove all plugins remotely related to registration.
The last thing I just removed is a functions.php script to automatically add new users to a particular group when they register, below.
So, then the question arises: where does…[Read more]
Jay Collier replied to the topic Error after submitting registration/profile fields form in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
Follow-up. One of our users just confirmed this problem on Mac Firefox and Safari:
After putting in my registration information and hitting the submit button it takes a long time to process and the result I get is the screen shot below. [404 Fancy Meeting You Here… back on the /register/ URL]
Jay Collier started the topic Error after submitting registration/profile fields form in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
WP 3.5.1/ BP 1.7.2 / subdomain install / no core modifications / some hooks in functions.php
A number of our users (on Windows/IE) have reported an error after completing and submitting a registration on our site. <http://connect.projectlogin.net/>
Some received a Gateway timeout, so we increased timeouts in our htaccess.
SetEnvIf…[Read more]
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] Register – Confirmation/Activation Email Is Not Sent Out in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
We are using WP-Better-Emails. Works great. Still have to suggest people check their spam folders.
Jay Collier replied to the topic bbPress forum posts not appearing in activity stream in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
Thank you! That was exactly what I was looking for!
Jay Collier replied to the topic BuddyPress and Register Plus Redux in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
Thanks, I’ll try that!
Jay Collier started the topic BuddyPress and Register Plus Redux in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
I need most of the features provided by Register Plus Redux …
… however, I have not found a way to use it with BuddyPress. Others have tried, too.
Alternatively, I’m interested in any plugin that provides those…[Read more]
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] How do I show member actions like log-in, change password? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
Thank you!
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] How do I show member actions like log-in, change password? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
I’m aware that, in the past, there used to be two admin bars: the WPAdmin bar shown to logged-in users and the Buddybar shown to all users, including a log-in/register link for new users.
I believe I understood that the BuddyBar was being deprecated. Does that mean non-logged in users will see BuddyPress options on the main WP-Admin bar? (I am…[Read more]
Jay Collier replied to the topic Buddy Bar Not Showing? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
Same or similar problem. For logged in users, the WP admin bar is either replacing or covering the Buddy bar. Seeking solution that allows both to appear.
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] How do I show member actions like log-in, change password? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
WP 3.5.1, BP 1.7.
Jay Collier started the topic [Resolved] How do I show member actions like log-in, change password? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
In 1.7, how do I now present the member actions that used to be in the Buddybar: log-in, edit profile, change password, etc.? I do not see a widget, and the Buddybar is gone by default
Jay Collier commented on the post, An online community for educators built with BuddyPress, on the site BuddyPress.org 12 years ago
Thanks, John!
I am very interested in getting to know other organizations who are using (or want to use) WordPress/Buddypress as a collaborative platform.
Perhaps recipes would be a good topic for […]
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] How do I prevent users creating blogs? in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
Bingo. I believe it was the server-side cache of that page. Problem resolved. (And perhaps valuable to others in future.
Jay Collier replied to the topic [Resolved] How do I prevent users creating blogs? in the forum Installing BuddyPress 12 years ago
Good questions!
However, I am, indeed, using the default BP theme. I have temporarily hidden new blog creation with CSS, but the HTML is still there.
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